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Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen
Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen Deutschland 2011-01
Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen Österreich 2011-01
The Max Bögl Group is one of the largest construction, technology and service companies in the German construction industry. Through our wide range of products and services, we actively contribute to environmental protection. At the same time our competitiveness is secured and the implementation of customer requirements within the company is supported. We are aware that our products and services influence our environment within their life cycle.
Members of the Supervisory Board
Members of the board
The Max Bögl Group has been a member of the “EthikManagement der Bauwirtschaft e.V” since the beginning of 2007 and supports the idea of successful cooperation with business partners and fair behaviour within the market. Max Bögl ethic management has been audited since the end of April 2007. It contains our principles and values as a declaration of basic values and provides for guidance in our code of conduct.
Contact person for Compliance
Dirk Haselbach is the central contact person for compliance at Max Bögl. You can reach him via our Contact form.
For confidential information, queries or questions,a neutral ombudsman is available. You can reach him via the contact details provided.
With over 6,500 highly qualified employees at 40 locations worldwide and an annual turnover of over 2 billion euros, Max Bögl is one of the largest construction companies in the German construction industry. Since its foundation in 1929, the company's history has been characterised by innovative strength in research and technology - from tailor-made individual solutions to constructionally and ecologically sustainable overall solutions.