1929 - 1949

Company founded by Max Bögl.
With 40 employees, Max Bögl accepts the first larger orders from Behringer Zement and invests in the first concrete mixer in the Neumarkt district.
Max Bögl sen. takes the master craftsman examination in bricklaying in Regensburg.
The number of employees is reduced to 10 bricklayers due to the 2nd World War. The hourly wage at that time was 0.70 Reichsmark.
Max Bögl sen. is drafted for military service.
With three employees Max Bögl starts the reconstruction work of the war-destroyed Neumarkt.
1950 - 1959

The first truck, a used MAN, is procured.
The first hollow block production takes place on the own farm in Sengenthal.
The young civil engineer Max Bögl jun. joins the company and begins to work in the fields of canal and road construction. The company's first excavator, a Unibag cable excavator, is purchased.
The Max Bögl company opens a sand pit in the Schlierferhaide near Greißelbach. This is where the company premises are located today. In addition to the sand pit, Max Bögl with 30 employees produces hollow blocks and prefabricated ceilings.
1960 - 1969

The first asphalt mixing plant with an hourly output of 60 tonnes and the first paver, both Linnhof machines, are procured.
A modern pipe mill is built in the Schlierferhaide. At the same time the first ready-mix concrete is delivered.
The first large precast concrete parts are produced.
The first truck-mounted crane of type Gottwald 20 to is procured.
1970 - 1989

The first precast bridge in Kleinalfalterbach near Neumarkt is constructed with a span of 24 m.
Max Bögl sen. hands over the company to his two sons Max and Hans Bögl.
Max Bögl sen. will be replaced on 21 May by the Bavarian Prime Minister Dr. H.c. in the Munich Residence. Alfons Goppel is awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit. Max Bögl Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co. KG and the first branch of the company in Erlangen are founded.
Company founder Max Bögl sen. dies unexpectedly on 14 May of the consequences of a heart attack. The company is now continued by his two sons Max and Hans Bögl. This year the Max Bögl company achieves a turnover of DM 100 million for the first time with over 1,000 employees.
A new location is established in Munich.
1990 - 1992

The Max Bögl company is expanding into the new federal states. A road construction company and a hard stone factory are founded in Elterlein in the Erzgebirge. With the erection of a steel construction production at the headquarters in Neumarkt, steel construction production for heavy industrial and bridge construction begins.
The takeover of a building combine in Gera with 250 employees and its conversion into a modern precast factory with a building company takes place.
A new location is established in Leipzig.
1993 - 1999

A site is established in Berlin. A turnover of one billion DM is achieved for the first time. Max Bögl dies on 30 September at the age of 63 after a brief serious illness.
The company expands into the Czech Republic with four hard stone plants and a construction company in Pilsen and Prague.
As of 1 April, a fundamental structural change will take effect in the company. Individual divisions will be removed from the previous company as a whole and managed as independent companies within the group.
New locations are opened in Stuttgart, Erfurt and the Croatian capital Zagreb.
2000 - 2005

The company WÜWA Bau GmbH from Schwabach, a specialist in the field of tunnel boring, and a modern precast factory in Mühlhausen with over 100 employees are taken over. With the foundation of the new locations Frankfurt and Alphen aan den Rijn in Holland, the activities are also expanded towards the west.
Two prefabrication plants in Liebenau (Lower Saxony) and Hamminkeln (North Rhine-Westphalia) are taken over and locations established there at the same time.
2006 - 2009

Engineering and transport infrastructure becomes infrastructure.
The merger of engineering and civil engineering to form the Infrastructure business segment will be completed on 1 March 2008.
Exhibition piece will be located on Max Bögl company premises.
For six years, half of the Transrapid TR07 at Munich Airport Center served as an information centre to present the planned connection to the main railway station to passengers from all over the world. After the failure of the Munich Transrapid project, the TR07 section floated in Sengenthal at the end of May as a symbol of our innovative strength.
In addition to the construction of a computer centre and a multi-storey car park, Max Bögl is also actively investing in the future of the steel construction business in Sengenthal. With the new building of an office building in the form of a combination office with open space organization the company group makes a modern working surrounding for their coworkers possible.
New specialist area pipe reorganization.
Were years ago still reorganization and repair work only with excavator and shovel possible, these times are passé today owing to the employment of trenchless techniques.
2010 - 2014

Max Bögl Innovationszentrum, Sengenthal.
The new innovation centre with exhibition space at the "old railway station Greißelbach" has gone into operation. The new building of the innovation centre was integrated into the existing embankment, including the listed railway station Greiselbach.
First day of training with Max Bögl.
Business Unit Infrastructure - Change at the top management level.
41 years Ludwig Kienlein was in the service of the Max Bögl Group, most recently as successful Managing Director of the Business Unit Infrastructure. After his retirement, Johann Heß, former managing director of the civil engineering division, and Hans Holzinger from the extended management take over the helm of the infrastructure division in a double function.
Start of production at the new Osterrönfeld site.
To support the existing precast plant at the headquarters in Sengenthal, a second modern production plant for hybrid towers with hub heights of over 140 meters was commissioned in Osterrönfeld. From there, the precast concrete parts of the hybrid tower System Max Bögl are to be shipped mainly via the Kiel Canal for the construction of wind energy plants in Northern Germany and Scandinavia.
Max Bögl Stiftung & Co. KG.
In order to optimally align the company to the upcoming requirements and challenges, the strong brand "Max Bögl" will become the sole company name - without the meanwhile restricting activity name "Bauunternehmung". In view of the broadened range of services, the legal form of Max Bögl Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co. KG is now changed to Max Bögl Stiftung & Co. KG. With the newly taken up foundation idea, the two partners Johann Bögl and Max Bögl also formally document their continued serious and long-term entrepreneurial commitment.
2015 - 2019

New board structure at Max Bögl - strategic reorientation.
In order to have more scope for the far-sighted objectives of the Max Bögl Group in the future, shareholder Johann Bögl places his operational tasks in the trust of his brothers Stefan and Michael. Together with Mr. Max Bögl, he will increasingly shape the strategic reorientation and thus the future of the group of companies as a shareholder. The former "Company Council" has been called the "Executive Board" since the beginning of April due to the change of name to the Foundation. Stefan Bögl and Michael Bögl, who have now also been appointed members of the Board of Directors, will immediately join the Board.
Changes in the Supervisory Board and Management Board
After the retirement of Dieter Klinger, a long-standing member of the Supervisory Board, shareholder Johann Bögl fills the position on the Supervisory Board and simultaneously assumes its chairmanship. Stefan Bögl was appointed Chairman of the Management Board, his deputy is Michael Bögl. Josef Knitl takes over the business division Wind as a new member of the board. Roland Zemler will leave the Executive Board in a new position as Chief Representative and will assume special responsibilities for the Group and its shareholders in addition to his legal and compliance responsibilities. Michael Bögl will assume the responsibilities of Roland Zemler's Management Board division.
New Management Board member for Industry
Since July 1, 2017, Markus Richthammer has been a new member of the Management Board of the Max Bögl Group with responsibility for the areas of modular construction, steel and plant construction, corporate development, lean management and building information modeling (BIM).
Startup of the maxmodul building factory
In the modern construction factory, the room modules are manufactured industrially in a controlled environment and with consistently high quality, independent of weather and season. The high degree of prefabrication of the modular construction and the precisely fitting, fast assembly of the high-quality solid construction elements with prefabricated finishing elements allow short construction times without complex building site equipment and thus reliable cost and deadline compliance for the housing market.
Sengenthal plant - on the rail network for 25 years
25 years ago the Max Bögl plant in Sengenthal received a railway siding. The first service took place on 31 January 1992, when a small locomotive delivered wagons loaded with steel. Since then, the company has had a second transport pillar in addition to its own fleet of trucks, which has become increasingly important over the years.
New Board Member appointed for dept. Infrastructure 2
Since January 1, 2018, Martin Holfelder acts as new board member for the Max Bögl Group and is responsible for the area “Structural Engineering” in Germany with its sections Bridge Building, Building Rehabilitation, Specialized Foundation Engineering, Tunnel Constructions and Structural Engineering in the Netherlands.
25 years Max Bögl Pensioners' Club
On 22 February 2018 the Max Bögl Group celebrated a great anniversary in the Innovation Center. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary, CEO Stefan Bögl together with the Human Resources department and the works council invited the members of the Max Bögl Pensioners Club to the "old place of activity" in Sengenthal.
Hybrid Tower 2.0
With the Hybridturm mb 2.0 - a further development of our system - Max Bögl reaches a new level of tower production for wind turbines. The new tower concept achieves its next economic optimum, is designed for hub heights of up to 200 meters and its modular structure allows further flexibility in the development of new tower types.
Danish site celebrates its 5th anniversary
On 19 November the Max Bögl location Denmark celebrated its 5th anniversary. Special projects in the 5-year history included the hospital in Herning, the university hospital in Århus and the recently completed system car park in Copenhagen, which impresses with its extraordinary facade.
Max Bögl Group invests in more security
When purchasing a new fleet of 16 truck mixers for ready-mixed concrete, the Max Bögl Group is investing in modern mixing, vehicle and environmental technology as well as a modern turn-off assistant system, above all in more safety.
maxapp from Max Bögl
For all employees, customers and interested parties, the Max Bögl Group developed an app that contains important information and enables a comprehensive exchange of information. In future, customers and interested parties will be able to find out about news in the news area and thus gain a deeper insight into the world of Max Bögl. Numerous other interesting functions await the employees of the Max Bögl Group.
New look for the Transport System Bögl
The Transport System Bögl, a future-oriented solution for public transport, is now presented in a new design: The new vehicle generation of the TSB is presented in an extraordinary design and impressively demonstrates the mobility of the future. The design of the new vehicle generation consciously stands out from conventional means of transport by conveying a novel impression. The combination of reduced basic forms and functional elements elegantly combines simplicity and expressiveness.
First office building on campus occupied
In August 2019, colleagues from the planning departments moved into the new office building at the headquarters in Sengenthal. Spread over four floors, the campus building offers employees an open office world for creative and communicative work. Thus the Max Bögl Campus continues to take shape.
90 years Max Bögl - 25 years location Gera
Founded in 1929, the Max Bögl Group can proudly look back on 90 years of successful company history. The employees celebrated this special occasion together with their families at the Sengenthal and Gera locations with a big event. More than 5,700 visitors enjoyed the colourful supporting programme in mid-September in beautiful summer weather with many attractions, which were organised by the divisions of the Max Bögl Group under the motto "by Böglers for Böglers". With their great commitment they made this special day an unforgettable experience for young and old.