Under the sign of the economy


Johann Bögl in the Middle Kingdom. In the course of the fourth German-Chinese government consultations, Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the People's Republic in mid-June.

Under the sign of the economy

The three-day trip focused, among other things, on intensive talks on the expansion of economic relations. A high-ranking business delegation, which also included Johann Bögl, travelled in the armada of the German cabinet. China is playing an increasingly important role in the global economy. The Max Bögl Group, which has been carrying out intensive project work in China for over ten years, particularly in the field of track technology, is well aware of this and therefore maintains its own location in Beijing. During this time, own innovations such as the Bögl slab track or the track girder for magnetic levitation trains were successfully used on various lines in the Chinese high-speed network. Johann Bögl met with the Minister of Railways, Sheng Gaozu, among others, in order to deepen the economic relations with the Chinese partners in the future and to push ahead with projects in other business fields.

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