Urban recompaction


Design the cities of tomorrow with maxmodul:

Our cities are becoming more and more attractive: better career opportunities, more generous leisure activities and a higher quality of life attract more and more people to the conurbations. With regard to individual well-being, the living environment and thus the desire for affordable living space are of great importance. For this urban challenge, the modular post-compaction method offers an innovative solution.

Urban recompaction


Cities are currently undergoing a noticeable process of change: they must not only adapt to the changing needs of the population living there, but also provide additional living space for more and more people. Under these conditions, redensification, i.e. the use of free space in the area of existing buildings, represents a sensible counter-concept to building in suburban areas. Through hinterland development and the addition of storeys or docking of areas, the inner-city open spaces are optimally used and thus undeveloped soil is spared. This ensures a responsible use of our resources.

Ecological and economic performance

It is not only the optimum use of free surfaces that makes post-compaction an advanced concept. In terms of sustainability, it is also a forward-looking form of construction. The development of already used inner city areas prevents the designation of new building areas and thus the urban sprawl of the landscape. Post-compaction thus makes an active contribution to climate protection, while contributing to traffic reduction and urban revitalisation.

From an economic point of view, the costs for the acquisition of land are usually lower as a result of subsequent consolidation. The inclusion of existing fire walls saves building material and thus time and costs. The existing buildings are thus upgraded both energetically and visually. Likewise, the urban development and institutional infrastructure in the urban quarter does not need to be expanded: Neither new streets, schools, kindergartens or shopping facilities are needed, nor are new electricity, water or telephone lines needed.

Realising post-compaction - with maxmodul

Subsequent compaction with serially built residential modules offers further advantages that confirm this concept as a trend-setting design. Due to the interaction of the high degree of prefabrication in the factory and the reduction of construction time on site to just a few hours, modular structures can be erected on site with the least possible disruption to citizens and with the smallest possible amount of waste. Serial production in the plant reduces the disturbances of the construction environment for the residents to a minimum.

If the site is not optimally accessible or located, assembly can also be carried out from outside the area to be developed. In addition, maxmodul allows systematic planning according to the catalogue with a wide variety of housing and development elements.



Ideal for urban areas

The high degree of prefabrication including interior finishing and MEP, a flexible modular construction system with variable floor plans, the high structural quality of the room modules, the fast assembly on site or the use of the latest construction techniques and building material technologies: The outstanding features of the modular construction make maxmodul the ideal solution for the creation of new living space in busy urban districts. 



Wir haben uns das Ziel gesetzt, ökologische und ökonomische Faktoren in Einklang zu bringen. Um die Umweltbelastungen durch unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen möglichst gering zu halten und weiter zu reduzieren, analysieren und bewerten wir unsere Umweltaspekte regelmäßig. Wir richten uns damit nach den Anforderungen des Umweltmanagementsystems ISO 14001. Die Einhaltung aller rechtlichen Vorschriften und anderer Anforderungen mit Umweltrelevanz bildet die Basis unseres Handelns.

Die Geschäftsprozesse und das Umweltmanagementsystem werden regelmäßig überprüft, damit Schwachstellen erkannt und geeignete Maßnahmen zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung eingeleitet werden können.

Die firmenweit geltende Umweltpolitik liegt in der Verantwortung des Vorstands und der Führungskräfte. Alle Mitarbeiter sind aufgefordert, diese einzuhalten und ihre täglichen Arbeiten umweltbewusst auszuführen.

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