Markus Mann

Markus Mann

Die besten Auszubildenden des Bautechnologieunternehmen Max Bögl wurden auch in diesem Jahr mit einem Auto belohnt. Dieses Jahr freuen sich eine Auszubildende vom Standort Gera und ein Auszubildender vom Hauptstandort Sengenthal darüber, ein halbes Jahr umsonst fahren zu dürfen.

The Max Bögl Group is awarded the contract for the realisation of a sustainable logistics hall near the Munich Metropolitan Region, directly on the A94.

Die Firmengruppe Max Bögl erhält den Zuschlag für die Realisation einer nachhaltigen Logistikhalle nahe der Metropolregion München, direkt an der A94.

Mittwoch, 09 Januar 2019 14:59

Max Bögl Anniversaries 2018

In December 2018 Max Bögl had a special occasion to celebrate. The reason for this was the honouring of the colleagues who had been employed in the Max Bögl Group for many years and their loyalty to our Group.

The Bavarian Engineering Prize 2019 was awarded last Friday to three Bavarian companies for their outstanding, creative and innovative engineering works. For the 10th time already, the Bayerische Ingenieurkammer-Bau (Bavarian Chamber of Engineers for Constructions) awarded the prize worth 10 000 euros. At the 27th Bavarian Engineering Day, Chamber President Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gebbeken and the Bavarian Minister of Construction Dr. Hans Reichhart presented the prize.

The Max Bögl Wind AG reaches a milestone in the wind farm Thepharak in Thailand: The 90th hybrid tower in the project is erected. The company thus proves that wind power towers can also be produced far away from home in a mobile production facility according to German quality criteria.

After a 17-year construction period, a gigantic project has proven its reliability during operational times for more than half a year. The underground Noord/Zuidlijn, which is about 9.5 km long, connects the north with the city and the south of the pulsating metropolis. This is a big step for Amsterdam’s future – and it is a prime example for Max Bögl building infrastructure constructions.

Near Stuttgart, the family-run construction and technology company Max Bögl is building a conglomerate of state-of-the-art office buildings with an architecturally attractive prefabricated clinker brick facade in a joint venture with BAM Germany.

The Max Bögl Group is building a modern training centre in the Deining business park until autumn 2019. Around 3 million euros will be invested in this to promote the training of young talent and for the training and further education of the core workforce.

Dienstag, 05 Februar 2019 11:34

Staff meeting 2019 at Max Bögl

Despite many challenges for the entire industry, the Max Bögl Group is very well positioned for the future: The highest order backlog in the company's history and a new training offensive - this was presented jointly by the works council and the executive board at the works meeting in the ARENA NÜRNBERGER VERSICHERUNG and showed that the Max Bögl Group is one of the strongest construction companies in Germany. Bavaria's Minister President Dr. Markus Söder, the guest of honour at the meeting, also emphasized the company's enormous performance and strong ties to its home region.

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