Modern hall construction with system

The logistics sector is booming. On the one hand, the increasing networking of the world under the guise of globalisation and the constantly growing trend towards online shopping with ever shorter delivery times demand advanced logistics solutions. On the other hand, many companies - from classic medium-sized companies to large international corporations - are investing in their production locations due to low interest rates and increasing economic growth. These market dynamics lead to a demand for hall buildings that can be designed as flexibly as possible, with short construction times and high quality combined with economic efficiency. It is precisely this demand that Max Bögl meets with its specially developed hall system.

Modern hall construction with system

Win-win situation for customers and Max Bögl

The Max Bögl Group has continued to focus on the construction of halls and is positioning itself even more broadly with several regional system construction locations. In addition to pure construction services with existing implementation planning, customers also receive advice and planning for all project phases on request. With the experts from Max Bögl, customers can now configure their hall individually and adapt it to their needs.


Intelligent modular system

The construction of the hall buildings can be imagined as a modular system of individual building blocks. The respective components such as supports, beams or roof trusses always fit precisely into each other and can be connected and extended as required. In this way, new buildings are always created according to the customer's design requirements. This construction method is equally applicable for small and large real estate objects and is suitable for all hall types - whether production, trade, warehouse or logistics (with / without office units). The system is simply adapted.


Efficient process flows

news 2019 moderner hallenbau lenkeit max boegl
Klaus Lenkeit
Division Manager System Construction Bavaria
news 2019 moderner hallenbau probst max boegl
Alain Probst
Division Manager System Construction NRW

If customers from logistics, industry or other branches of industry want to plan and build a hall, Max Bögl has established seven process steps for this. The individual steps could also be adapted to the individual needs of the customers, according to Klaus Lenkeit, Head of the Systems Construction Division Bavaria, and Alain Probst, Head of the Systems Construction Division NRW. Both experienced managers have recently joined the Max Bögl Group's hall construction team.


In seven steps to your dream property


The Max Bögl hall system - A look behind the development process


Andreas Meyer
Head of Technical Services System Construction

If the term "system" is considered more globally, it comes from the ancient Greek word "sýstēma", which means "a whole composed and structured of several parts". According to Andreas Meyer, Head of Technical Services System Construction, all systems have one thing in common: they bring structure into complex processes so that they are simplified, faster and more efficient.

As a key driver of the development process at Max Bögl, Andreas Meyer explains in an interview with "mbquadrat" how the group of companies adapted the principle of systemization to the construction of halls and developed the system hall.



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Logistics centre in Oelde - Sample project for Max Bögl hall system


Oliver Aust
Central Division Leader System Construction North

A current reference project for systematic construction is the 125,000 square metre logistics centre in Oelde, which Max Bögl has been building for real estate developer Gazeley since January 2018. The property, which is located on the A 2 motorway, connects the Ruhr area with Hanover and northern Germany. By the time it is expected to be completed in August 2019, two months earlier than planned, around 5,500 precast elements from the Liebenau and Hamminkeln production plants will have been installed. According to Oliver Aust, Central Division Manager System Construction North, the construction project is characterized by three things in particular:



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Project data

  • Start of construction: 27.01.2018
  • Systematized precast elements: 5,500 pieces
  • Producing Max Bögl Works: Liebenau and Hamminkeln
  • Hall area: 125,000 m²
  • Office space: 10,000 m²
  • ceiling height: up to 20 m
  • Number of loading ramps: 56 pieces
  • Number of car parking spaces: 905 pieces
  • Completion: ahead. August 2019

„BIM is beslist geen modetrend, maar een nieuwe werkmethode voor ons bedrijf en de gehele bouwindustrie, waarbij we als pionier voorop willen lopen.“

Met deze woorden benadrukt Stefan Bögl welk vooruitstrevend doel de groep voor ogen heeft. Om met dit ontwikkelingsproces steeds op koers te blijven is een voortdurende uitwisseling nodig tussen alle divisies – BIM is en wordt hierbij een gemeenschappelijk instrument voor een coöperatief, digitaal samenwerken en effent voor ons bedrijf de weg als een solide strategie voor „industrieel bouwen“.

Daaronder verstaan we de rationalisering van arbeidsprocessen, kostenefficiency, een grotere productiviteit en kwaliteit. We willen dit toepassen door middel van speciale methoden, zoals de prefabricage van bouwcomponenten (prefab-productie), standaardisering van bouwelementen bij een gelijktijdige flexibiliteit in de vormgeving (maxmodul) en vooral door het optimaliseren van onze planning- en productieprocessen. Belangrijke basis voor bovengenoemde methoden is de interactie tussen onze BIM-methodiek en lean management.

BIM – een werkmethode

Een met BIM uitgevoerd projectproces wint significant aan transparantie. Daardoor wordt de kwaliteit van ons werk weer verbeterd. Kostenreductie en leverstiptheid worden vergroot doordat fouten in de planning en werkvoorbereiding tot een minimum worden teruggebracht. Op deze manier kan de afwikkeling van alle projecten niet alleen exact worden vormgegeven, maar ook gecontroleerd worden aangestuurd. BIM is daarom meer dan alleen maar een intelligent 3D-model. Het is een werkmethodiek die mensen in het kader van de digitalisering via moderne technologieën met elkaar verbindt. Hoe meer gebruikers deze methode consequent in hun dagelijkse werk integreren en actief gebruiken, des te meer wordt voor alle betrokkenen het werk verlicht.

BIM – een werkmethode

"Due to the GPS-supported control of the excavator, we can carry out the
often time-consuming earthworks on the construction site very precisely."

Rene Kuchenbaur, Supply and Disposal


"The shuttering laser is a great relief for my work.
I don't have to measure anything by hand anymore.
That this is a BIM application,
but I wasn't aware of it until now."

Denis Buchner, Formwork preparation FTW Bachhausen


"Given the size of today's construction projects we're handling, it would be difficult to work without a centralized overview model."

Lukas Palotz, Calculation building construction

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