Topping out ceremony at the Grammer Technology Center in Ursensollen

The company, which belongs to the automotive industry, is investing over 40 million euros in its new headquarters. Last week, the topping-out ceremony for the completed shell of the first construction phase was celebrated.

Topping out ceremony at the Grammer Technology Center in Ursensollen


In addition to the corporate headquarters and technology center, the Grammer Campus in Ursensollen will also house a design and ergonomics laboratory and a staff restaurant.


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"On behalf of the entire Grammer team, I would like to thank all those responsible for this project for their commitment and outstanding work. The result has been great. Both the office buildings and our new, state-of-the-art technology center are an expression of our company's innovative strength. Grammer's Board of Management and employees are already looking forward to moving into the buildings."
Manfred Pretscher, chairman of the board, Grammer AG
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The completion of the buildings in the first construction phase and the relocation of the Management Board and part of the workforce are planned for the end of the year. More than 700 Grammer employees will work in the modern premises. At present, the construction site is being expanded to include the laying of parquet flooring and painting. The technical building equipment will be installed almost in parallel, as will the green roof. This planting reduces heat reflection in summer and at the same time binds fine dust. With the largest construction project in the company's history, Grammer aims to create an attractive, healthy, sustainable and modern working environment in which employees can work and communicate creatively and efficiently.


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Eleven months construction time - an intermediate result



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