Top performance with concrete elements


Wind power towers are the supporting pillars of every wind turbine. They are subjected to great forces during wind power generation and absorb the resulting vibrations via the foundation - a challenge for statics, materials and engineers. At the same time, the annual electricity yield increases by 0.5 to 1 percent with every meter that a wind turbine gains in height. In this respect, the principle often applies at inland locations: the higher the wind turbine, the better the wind shear and thus the yield.

Top performance with concrete elements


Concrete-steel combination ideal for large heights

The hybrid towers of Max Bögl Wind AG are ideally suited for wind harvests from a hub height of 140 m and above. The lower part of the towers consists of concrete elements with a steel tube tip at the top. Tubular steel towers of this size are no longer economical because the material and maintenance costs are very high at these heights. Max Bögl Wind AG relies on the concrete strength classes C80/95 to C100/115 for the hybrid towers of the second generation.


Concrete from our own house

Max Bögl Wind AG relies on limestone and blastfurnace slag flour from its own production for the formulation of the self-compacting concrete (SCC) used. Thanks to this mixture, it is already possible today to save up to 50 percent of the cement content compared to earlier recipes. An in-house research and development department is working on further increasing the savings potential in the future. In addition to cost savings, the incentive behind this is CO2 reduction in cement production - and thus an even more active contribution to climate protection.


Photo: Max Bögl Group


Optimized in all areas

In addition to the actual tower concept, the engineers at Max Bögl Wind AG have also optimized the tower foundation, assembly, logistics and interior fittings of the hybrid towers 2.0. The new foundation design simplifies prestressing at the entrance level of the wind turbine and thus streamlines work processes. The horizontal line of the concrete segments, machined with a CNC concrete grinding plant, does not require mortar or adhesive when erecting the hybrid tower. The individual concrete elements can now be transported with standard trailers. Costly heavy transports are completely eliminated. The interior work is carried out using a new patented process: Lift and ladder are installed during the construction of the concrete tower.


Excellent and globally successful product

Hybrid towers are also being built in German factory quality far away from home. This is made possible by the innovative Mobile Manufacturing concept. In four halls on an area of 40,000 m² - the equivalent of ten football pitches - all production facilities are accommodated similar to the factory production. Local raw materials and manpower increase the profitability of the project, fewer heavy goods transports protect the infrastructure, the climate and the environment. In Thailand, the first mobile manufacturing project has now been successfully completed. Max Bögl Wind AG erected 90 wind power towers for the Wind farm Thepharak with hub heights of 156.5 m each. The company also won the bauma Innovation Award 2019 in the construction process category for its Mobile Manufacturing division.


Advantages of the Hybrid Tower 2.0

  • Tested and proven technology
  • Economical solution made of steel and concrete
  • Maintenance-free concrete tower
  • Transport with standard trailer
  • Short delivery and installation time
  • Local production with mobile manufacturing
  • Long service life of the concrete tower
  • Easy demolition and reusability of the concrete tower segments


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Die Geschäftsprozesse und das Umweltmanagementsystem werden regelmäßig überprüft, damit Schwachstellen erkannt und geeignete Maßnahmen zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung eingeleitet werden können.

Die firmenweit geltende Umweltpolitik liegt in der Verantwortung des Vorstands und der Führungskräfte. Alle Mitarbeiter sind aufgefordert, diese einzuhalten und ihre täglichen Arbeiten umweltbewusst auszuführen.

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Umweltbeton Bögl

Die Firmengruppe Max Bögl ist spezialisiert auf die Herstellung von qualitativ hochwertigen Stahlbetonbauteilen, bei denen der Umweltbeton Bögl bereits seit Jahren erfolgreich eingesetzt wird. Durch kurze Wege, regionale Rohstoffe und die Reduktion des Zementanteils im Beton bis hin zum völligen Verzicht, wird der CO2-Footprint unseres Umweltbetons deutlich verringert. Dadurch können Bauprojekte mit Beton deutlich ökologischer und nachhaltiger erfolgen.


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Durch seine sehr gute Performance und Dauerhaftigkeit wird ein vielseitiger Einsatz in unzähligen Produkten ermöglicht. Hochmoderne Fertigungsanlagen und -techniken sowie die Verwendung von neuen Technologien führen dazu, dass unsere Produkte immer nach dem neusten Stand der Technik produziert werden. Sie als Kunde haben damit den Vorteil, langlebige, zertifizierte und nachhaltige Bauprodukte zu erhalten.

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