Max Bögl’s Mobile Fabrication wins the bauma Innovation Award 2019


The success story continues: The Mobile Fabrication technology of Max Bögl Wind AG won this year’s bauma Innovation Award in the construction method category. The world’s most unique production concept for Hybrid Towers won over the jury for its technical innovation and contribution to climate protection and resource efficiency.

Max Bögl’s Mobile Fabrication wins the bauma Innovation Award 2019

 news 2019 bauma innovationspreis max boegl

The bauma Innovation Award has been awarded every three years since 2007 at the similarly-named world trade show for construction, building materials, mining machines, construction vehicles and equipment in five separate categories. This year Max Bögl Wind AG was able to convince a jury of representatives from the worlds of science and business with its unique concept for Mobile Fabrication.

2019 bauma Innovation award MobileFabrication Max Boegl

Thanks to this now award-winning mobile production concept, it is possible to manufacture hybrid wind turbine towers - a combination of concrete elements and steel segments - in German quality at almost any place on the planet. The evaluation criteria for the construction methods category, which are determined by the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), include, among other things, the degree of innovation, contribution to resource efficiency and implementation requirements.

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Stefan Bögl, chairman of the board is happy about the prize:

“From the idea to implementation and finally to this award: The entire Max Bögl team helped achieve this success with their great dedication and expertise. Only those who think boldly and are undaunted by challenges can realize innovative projects and make a lasting difference.”

Up until the beginning of this year, some of Southeast Asia's highest wind turbines were built in Thailand using Mobile Fabrication. This shows that the production concept meets all the technical requirements for German manufacturing quality while also adding value on the local level.

news 2019 wind ag innovationspreis 2019 02 max boegl


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