Among the last four - Jury nominates two Max Bögl Logistics Buildings for the final round of the Logix Award 2019

Every two years, the Logistics Real Estate Initiative (Logix) awards prizes for outstanding logistics real estate developments in Germany. The award jury announced the four finalists for this year's award ceremony. Two of the four projects were built by Max Bögl. On 7 October, the winning project will be selected at the ExpoReal in Munich. The jury evaluates the project on the basis of urban development, economic, ecological and social criteria.

Among the last four - Jury nominates two Max Bögl Logistics Buildings for the final round of the Logix Award 2019


news 2019 logix nominierung 01 max boegl
Andreas Meyer
Head of System Construction
"With our own hall system for logistics and commercial properties, we combine the advantages of system construction with individual requirements. We are therefore extremely pleased that two of the four Logix Award finalists were built by us this year. The work of our colleagues and the quality of construction repeatedly ensured by Max Bögl are honoured with this award",


Andreas Meyer (Head of System Construction) sums up the announcement of the finalists. The jury, consisting of scientists, architects, practitioners, media and representatives of associations, presents the award every two years.


Finalists from the construction kit

The last four candidates are the ProLogis Park in Muggensturm, which was purchased from L´Oréal, the GG Rhein-Main business and logistics park in Groß-Gerau, the Baum Sortation Center in Garbsen and the logistics center developed by Immogate AG in Kelsterbach/Frankfurt. Max Bögl built the Sortation Center in Garbsen and the Immogate Logistics Center in its own hall system.


380 new jobs in Hanover

Max Bögl built the Sortation Center in Garbsen (Hanover), the size of five football pitches, in a construction period of just under one year. The property impresses with a particularly ecological construction method. Among other things, the client opted for recyclable mineral wool insulation in the roof and facade. As a result, the project was certified with the platinum standard by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). In addition, the logistics centre offers 380 new jobs in the Hanover area.


news 2019 logix nominierung max boegl
Photo: Max Bögl Group / Henning Kreft


Savings of 423,000 kg CO2 through photovoltaics

Max Bögl built the logistics centre for Immogate AG in Kelsterbach/Frankfurt in a main construction period of ten months. The user saves around 423,000 kilograms of CO2 per year on an area of almost four football pitches. This corresponds to the content of around 86 million commercially available balloons. This is possible with the help of a 750 kWp photovoltaic system. The building will also create 150 new jobs for Immogate.


Hard competition - over 100 new construction projects investigated

A total of around 100 logistics projects from 2018 and 2019 were analysed for the Logix Award 2019. After a first round, 24 projects were included in a qualification round. From these remaining projects, the jury evaluated a shortlist of twelve candidates. The expert group reduced these twelve properties to the last four finalists with the help of extensive application materials such as site plans, floor plans, building descriptions and reasons for the prize-worthiness. The winner of the Logix Award 2019 will be chosen on 7 October at the ExpoReal real estate fair.


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Die Geschäftsprozesse und das Umweltmanagementsystem werden regelmäßig überprüft, damit Schwachstellen erkannt und geeignete Maßnahmen zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung eingeleitet werden können.

Die firmenweit geltende Umweltpolitik liegt in der Verantwortung des Vorstands und der Führungskräfte. Alle Mitarbeiter sind aufgefordert, diese einzuhalten und ihre täglichen Arbeiten umweltbewusst auszuführen.

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