Minister of State Herrmann informs himself about pilot project at the Max Bögl Group


Heavy transports without police escort

Bavaria's Interior and Transport Minister Joachim Herrmann informed himself about a pilot project at the Max Bögl Group. The aim of the pilot test is to determine whether in future it will be possible to safely transport heavy loads to their destination with newly developed vehicles even without police escort.

Minister of State Herrmann informs himself about pilot project at the Max Bögl Group

In cooperation with the Neumarkt Police Inspectorate, the city of Neumarkt and the Neumarkt District Office, heavy goods vehicles of the Max Bögl Group up to 4.56 metres wide will in future travel the route between the headquarters in Sengenthal and the Neumarkt motorway junction without police escort. With illuminated traffic signs (e.g. no overtaking), the new support vehicles of the Max Bögl Group warn oncoming traffic in good time, so that heavy goods vehicles can pass through narrow spots without being accompanied by the police. The traffic signs are switched on the basis of plans laid down by the authorities in advance.

The aim of the pilot project is to reduce the high burden on the police caused by the accompaniment of oversized and heavy loads, so that the officers can once again devote more time to their main tasks in the city and district. With the pilot project of the Max Bögl Group, the government of the Upper Palatinate has approved the implementation of such an experiment for the first time in Bavaria.

Bavaria's Minister of the Interior and Transport, Joachim Herrmann, had the Max Bögl Group's Heavy Transport Department report to him on the current findings of the pilot test after a tour of the plant with shareholder Johann Bögl. "We want to relieve the Bavarian police as far as possible of transport escorts", Herrmann emphasized afterwards. "There are much more important tasks for our police officers, especially in view of the current threat posed by Islamist terrorists or, for example, cross-border gangs of thieves. The pilot test with the Max Bögl Group represents a very promising approach to relieving our police.

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