First TSB series-production vehicle on the way to China


The next milestone for the finalization of the demonstration track in Chengdu was reached: At the beginning of June, the first series-production vehicle of the Transport System Bögl set off for our Chinese partner.

First TSB series-production vehicle on the way to China


Starting in the summer, it will run there on the 3.5 km long track. On the way to its destination, the novel traffic system was first loaded onto trucks at the Max Bögl group's headquarters in Sengenthal and transported to Munich Airport. From there, the Antonov, one of the world's largest transport aircraft, took it to Chengdu, over 7,500 km away.

news 2020 tsb antonov 02 max boegl
Photo: Max Bögl Group / Reinhard Mederer


In the next step, the TSB series-production vehicle will be put into operation on the completed demonstration track. The performance of the new system will then be demonstrated there to potential Chinese customers with journeys of up to 160 km/h.


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