Markus Mann

Markus Mann

Donnerstag, 13 April 2017 07:56

Relief for city and residents

New motorway feeder road in Bucharest. With around 2.2 million inhabitants, Bucharest is the sixth largest city in the European Union.

Donnerstag, 13 April 2017 08:07

Special insert for ground freezing technology

Versatile, variable and reliable. In modern construction, ground freezing is now considered the standard method with high reliability and system safety.

Donnerstag, 13 April 2017 08:10

BAB 9 Holledau–Allershausen

Bavaria's largest motorway construction site completed. Drivers plagued by traffic jams as well as residents of the neighbouring communities can breathe a sigh of relief.

Donnerstag, 13 April 2017 08:19

Award-winning steel construction

Accolade for railway bridge over the Aller. Design, innovation and acceptance: Good reasons for the jurors of "bauforumstahl" to award the "Ingenieurpreis des Deutschen Stahlbaues 2017" to the railway bridge over the Aller near Verden.

Montag, 10 Juli 2017 08:45

Project "De Entree" in Amsterdam

Sustainable upgrading of the inner city. Away from the car, towards the bicycle: As a self-proclaimed "city of bicycles", Amsterdam does everything it can to live up to this reputation.

Dienstag, 19 Dezember 2017 08:57

Thames Tideway East

Tubbings for a major London infrastructure project. London's largest water management project, the new construction of the Tideway Tunnel, is to relieve the strain on the city's sewage system, which dates back to Victorian times.

Clean energy for the station. In May 2016, in the shadow of the new Datteln 4 power plant, one of the largest district heating projects of recent years was launched, which will result in the cost-effective supply of 100,000 households in the Ruhr area with environmentally friendly district heating.

Mittwoch, 05 Oktober 2016 07:48

Fixed Fehmarnbelt crossing

Longest immersed tunnel in the world.

The signing of the first contracts between the Danish government and an international consortium at the end of May 2016 set the course for Europe's largest infrastructure project. Over a length of around 18 kilometers, an underwater tunnel is to connect the islands of Fehmarn and Lolland - shortening the journey between the German and Danish coasts to just ten minutes by car and seven minutes by train.

Subsoil improvement through vibration tamping technology.

With technically and economically optimised concepts, Max Bögl Spezialtiefbau was able to successfully establish itself on the German construction market. The high quality of the execution using the most modern equipment technology convinces builders and planners alike.

Mittwoch, 05 Oktober 2016 14:01

Hamburg's longest construction site

Underground line 4 goes into the extension.

The extension of subway line 4 beyond its current terminus at HafenCity University in an eastward direction is intended to connect the future Elbbrücken quarter in eastern HafenCity better with Hamburg's local transport network. To this end, the new section of the U4 underground line will be built in a tunnel following the sweeping and parking facility currently under construction. The underground line will then emerge from the underground and lead via a trough above ground to the new Elbbrücken station.

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