Attractive car park construction for Bayer

Space for systematic creativity. The Bayer chemicals group, corporate headquarters and the Chempark with the Bayer Cross have shaped the Leverkusen cityscape for more than 100 years.

Attractive car park construction for Bayer

Another building block in the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee area is a modern multi-storey car park, which is available to Chempark employees and visitors to the Bayer Communications Center Baykomm on the Japanese Garden. On behalf of Bayer Real Estate, Max Bögl's car park specialists completed an architecturally sophisticated and at the same time functionally high-quality turnkey construction using the company's own innovative PSB car park system within a construction period of just under 13 months. 412 parking spaces are spread over an area of around 11,600 square meters over four levels - from the basement to the paved ground floor to the two upper floors with uncovered parking spaces on the roof.

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