1 year city quarter "NeuerMarkt" - cut of the birthday cake


A year has passed since the city quarter "NeuerMarkt" opened its doors on 17 September 2015. Since then, there have been many new openings, events and happenings in the "NeuerMarkt".

1 year city quarter "NeuerMarkt" - cut of the birthday cake

Since July 2016, the Old Town and the "NeuerMarkt" quarter have been linked by a passageway. The 2.5 millionth visitor could already be welcomed in August. The 1st birthday is celebrated for one week and each birthday also includes a large birthday cake. A total of 1,000 pieces of cake were distributed to the visitors. With the cut of the birthday cake, accompanied by the Wirtshausmusi, the anniversary week was officially started, which is filled with many actions and special offers of the tenants.

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