Max Bögl's BIM experts in a pioneering role


Avoid planning errors, reduce calculation risks.

Foresighted planning and sustainable construction - goals that Max Bögl supports with Building Information Modeling (BIM). The department has made it its task to support the project teams in the application of BIM right from the start. BIM has been developed and applied at Max Bögl for over a decade. After many years of experience, many applications are already established. Under the leadership of Alexander Kropp, a team of seven experienced BIM experts accompanies the application of BIM processes from acquisition to execution. The goal for 2016 is to support the individual departments within the group to such an extent that BIM methods become routine - especially in the areas of work preparation, deadline controlling and quality assurance.

Max Bögl's BIM experts in a pioneering role


Increasing demand for BIM

The Netherlands, Denmark, England, the USA and other countries have been working with BIM for years and have drawn up corresponding state guidelines. Up to 20 percent cost savings and much higher cost security are the expectations in Great Britain. The use of BIM methods will become mandatory for public sector clients from 2016. The aim is not only to improve cost security for the state and its citizens, but also to ensure transparent construction management in all phases. A similar development can be expected in Germany. The BIM step-by-step plan of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure envisages the elaboration of guidelines within the next four years and their obligation from 2020. Private clients such as Deutsche Bahn, Adidas and Siemens are already demanding BIM methods in the areas of planning, execution and maintenance. The advantage for the client is obvious: BIM applications and BIM models with corresponding content not only facilitate planning and controlling, but also subsequent management by facility management.

Competitive advantage for Max Bögl

In Germany, our group of companies is one of the pioneers in the field of Building Information Modeling. Numerous inquiries for interviews and lectures as well as awards such as the Tekla BIM Award (Biomass CHP Plant at the Sengenthal headquarters) or the current Tekla DACH BIM Award (Urban Quarter "NeuerMarkt") show us that we are on the right track. In addition to construction progress visualisation, the standards also include model-based mass determination for large-scale projects. With the help of these methods, planning errors can be avoided and calculation risks reduced. In addition, we can already offer clients comprehensive solutions with BIM methods. This gives us an advantage over our competitors, who are only gradually beginning to develop BIM methods. "This advantage must be further extended in practice," says department head Alexander Kropp.

Goals for 2016

Our goals for the coming year are varied. One focus is the optimization and standard implementation of our current BIM methods. To this end, we are working together with Deutsche Bahn and other clients on several pilot projects to jointly optimize processes. The project teams on site have the knowledge of how work processes work and where there are problems. One of the main tasks will therefore be to involve the employees in order to jointly develop meaningful improvements. Colleagues will therefore not only be trained, but also integrated into the planning of work processes. This is how we learn together with the project teams.


Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation

Jürgen Kotzbauer
Tel.: +49 9181 909-10712

Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation

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