New process in Max Bögl Special foundation engineering


Subsoil improvement through vibration tamping technology.

With technically and economically optimised concepts, Max Bögl Spezialtiefbau was able to successfully establish itself on the German construction market. The high quality of the execution using the most modern equipment technology convinces builders and planners alike.

New process in Max Bögl Special foundation engineering


The constantly expanding range of services offered by the specialist department now supplements a recognised special foundation method for increasing the strength and rigidity of the subsoil: vibratory compaction. With this deep compaction method, a deep vibrator, which is connected to a material guide pipe and mounted on a leader device, is sunk into the ground. With the aid of a special construction, the sluice, the coarse-grained feed material - usually gravel or crushed stone - is guided via the corresponding pipe guide to the vibrator tip, where it exits with compressed air support after reaching the final depth. The surrounding soil is displaced laterally and can also be compacted with low fines. The cavity of the displaced soil is filled section by section by raising the vibrator, the feed material flows out and the vibrator is lowered with additional pressure. In this way, the paved material is compacted and pressed into the ground from the side.


Load-bearing columns in the pilgrim's step

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In this way, vertical tamping columns are created from bottom to top using the pilger step method. These columns form groups of columns, rows of columns or a column grid and are intimately interlocked with the neighbouring subsoil. This increases the shear strength and rigidity of the subsoil and reduces its consolidation time. Max Bögl offers both public and private clients a complete package of consulting, planning and execution with the special method of vibratory compaction. Comprehensive quality measures guarantee the professional manufacture of the vibrating tamping columns. The essential parameters of each manufacturing process such as vibration depth, vibration energy, contact pressure, material consumption and manufacturing time are digitally recorded and continuously evaluated. Together with geological support, this makes it possible to react promptly to changes in the subsoil already during execution.

Wide range of applications

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The field of application for soil improvement by means of vibrating tamping columns is diverse and at Max Bögl ranges from road construction, bridge construction and structural engineering to highly sensitive foundations for wind turbines. With this process extension, the group of companies is in a position to offer customers wind turbines from a single source and to make an important contribution to the energy revolution.

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