Vehicle for the Bögl Transport System has arrived in China


Max Bögl and its Bögl Transport System have reached the next milestone on the way to commissioning in Chengdu, China. Beginning in September, the local public transport system, which is based on magnetic levitation, will be introduced on a three-and-a-half kilometre-long test track. Manufactured at Max Bögls main factory in Sengenthal, the vehicle has now arrived in Sichuan Province. After commissioning, the vehicle will demonstrate in practice the sustainable, space-saving and low-emission possibilities of the Transport System Bögl for local transport.

Vehicle for the Bögl Transport System has arrived in China


On the way to its destination, the new local transport system first had to take advantage of classic transport. The well-packed truck for the Bögl Transport System traveled over 7,500 kilometers from Sengenthal to Chengdu. Beginning at the main Max Bögl factory, it was brought by truck to Frankfurt Airport, and from there using air transport via Moscow to the geographical center of the People's Republic. There, the car body, which was delivered to the Far East by sea, will be assembled.


news 2019 tsb verladung 01 max boegl
Photo: Max Bögl Group – graupause


The Transport System Bögl offers solutions for the future challenges of urbanization. “Improving urban mobility can only succeed with innovative solutions in all sectors,” says Dr. Bert Zamzow, head of TSB at Max Bögl. In particular in China, there is a great need to make up ground with rail-bound mass transit systems in order to cope with the increasing traffic in megacities. This makes the country the largest market for local transport systems. Max Bögl was able to win Chengdu Xinzhu Road & Bridge Machinery Co. Ltd. as its first cooperation partner for the Transport System Bögl. “Together with our local partner, we will drive forward the marketing of the TSB and implement the first routes in the near future,” explains Stefan Bögl.

The Transport System Bögl is based on magnetic levitation technology and is propelled by a linear motor. This makes the innovative local transport system extremely quiet, reliable and low-emission. As part of the development process, the vehicle has already completed 125,000 shuttle journeys on the test track in Sengenthal, covering a distance of over 83,000 kilometers.


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