TSB demonstration line in China


The world's most populous country is a world leader in many areas of technology, but China still has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to expanding its local transport networks. Over the next few years, several thousand kilometers of state-of-the-art maglev projects are to be implemented for local passenger transport. Together with the Chinese cooperation partner Chengdu Xinzhu Road & Bridge Machinery Co. Ltd., Max Bögl is building a demonstration line for the Bögl Transport System (TSB) in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province.

TSB demonstration line in China


Over the next few years, the Chinese government plans to optimise local public transport using state-of-the-art technologies. For Max Bögl, this is a great opportunity to realize magnet train projects. The aim of the more than 3.5 km long demonstration line in Chengdu is to convince Chinese customers of the technology and its efficiency and to provide the necessary evidence for approval in China.


Ideal partner for the Chinese market

The Max Bögl Group has over 20 years of experience in China and the corresponding contacts. With the local company Xinzhu the ideal partner has been found who will exclusively market the TSB technology in China and realize numerous application lines there. To this end, the companies have agreed on a long-term partnership.


Photo: Max Bögl Group


Rapid implementation

When designing the demonstration section, the Max Bögl Group took a special path and planned it as a freely plannable 3D curve, which is usually only realized in 2D. An unusual feature is the ten percent gradient at the beginning of the route. In a radius of 60 m, the TSB travels with the maximum gradient. For optimum driving comfort, the curve radii and the transverse gradient of the demonstration section are matched to the speed profile. For this purpose, the free lateral acceleration is compensated. The construction of the demonstration section itself is making great strides. The ground-breaking ceremony took place in summer 2018. The foundation and foundation work for the 3.5-kilometer section is now almost complete and the first supports have been installed. In addition, the first girders have been manufactured and are ready for assembly on the supports.


Photo: Max Bögl Group


Delivery via "New Silk Road"

Max Bögl relies on maximum efficiency when transporting the components required for the demonstration track. This is where the "New Silk Road", promoted by China, comes into play. From the group's factory in Sengenthal, specially assembled container trains are heading east, fully loaded with track segments and accessories. By May 2019, 308 segments had already been delivered, corresponding to a distance of around 1.8 km. The transport of the last carrier segments is planned for July 2019. Approximately one third of the demonstration line crosses the Xinzhu plant site and numerous railway tracks. Outside the plant site, it crosses a railway line, several multi-lane main roads and a watercourse.


Photo: Max Bögl Group


China relies on latest technologies

In view of the high speed of growth, strong local partner companies such as Xinzhu are important for economic success in the highly demanding Chinese market. The cooperation using the example of the TSB demonstration line can therefore also send positive signals to interested parties of further services of the Max Bögl Group.


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