Project "De Entree" in Amsterdam


Sustainable upgrading of the inner city. Away from the car, towards the bicycle: As a self-proclaimed "city of bicycles", Amsterdam does everything it can to live up to this reputation.

Project "De Entree" in Amsterdam

Roads dominated by cars are increasingly being transformed into pedestrian and cycle paths. This is also the case with the large-scale project "De Entree", in which a new urban space is being created in the middle of the city centre with significantly less vehicle traffic. Over the next five years, Max Bögl Nederland B.V., on behalf of the city of Amsterdam, will significantly upgrade the area between the central station and Damrak or Schreierstoren and Droogbak. The new design concept is intended to create more space for pedestrians and cyclists and to integrate additional water areas. Further measures of the 90 million Euro project include the construction of a large underground bicycle garage and the traffic calming of the Prins Hendrikkade between Martelaarsgracht and Damrak. Construction is scheduled to begin in January 2018. Following extensive preliminary work and detailed planning, the carriageway in the area of the track overpass on the west side of the central station will first be lowered by 70 centimeters. In this way, the city centre can be easily reached during the construction project by larger vehicles, for example for supplier traffic. With a bundle of further measures, additional obstacles for residents and users of the area are to be reduced to a tolerable level. Max Bögl also focuses on intensive communication and the involvement of people in the planning and construction process throughout the entire construction period.

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Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl

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Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl


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