Opening Ceremony - MB realized a heavy-duty hall for Mittelständler Kübler

The trimodal heavy-duty hall planned and constructed by Max Bögl for the medium-sized forwarding company Kübler in Mannheim was officially opened on 19.10.2018. Around 450 invited guests were able to see for themselves the hall, which is groundbreaking in terms of multimodal freight transport.

Opening Ceremony - MB realized a heavy-duty hall for Mittelständler Kübler



Interesting key facts about the project:



  • The Rheinauhafen area has a size of two football pitches (19,000 m²). The hall itself is about 3,800 m² in size.
  • With a track gauge of 36 metres and a load capacity of up to 500 tonnes, the Mobile Harbour Crane is the most powerful in southern Germany.
  • A total of three cranes with a total capacity of 930 tons are installed in the hall.
  • The special crane system links road, rail and waterway systems.
  • For the realisation of the hall, Max Bögl's various divisions worked closely together - from the pile foundation to the steel supporting structure.
  • 1,100 tons of steel components were prefabricated for the project in our factory in Sengenthal. Individual parts weighing up to 70 tons were delivered to the construction site using our own fleet of vehicles.
  • A pellet heating system was installed in conjunction with ceiling radiant panels to heat the halls, thus achieving a KfW 70 subsidy.



What our client - Mr. Heinz Rößler, Managing Director of Kübler Spedition - had to say about the cooperation with Max Bögl at the opening ceremony of his hall construction can be seen in the following video.


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Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl


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