Multi-talented mastic asphalt - a strong building material


Millions of vehicles roll over roads and bridges every day, putting a lasting strain on our infrastructure. The resulting maintenance measures not only disrupt the flow of traffic, they also cause immense costs. The goal Max Bögl has set itself with the use of mastic asphalt is to reduce these costs and at the same time extend the service life.

Multi-talented mastic asphalt - a strong building material


For more than 30 years the Max Bögl Group has been dealing with the application areas and advantages of mastic asphalt. This many years of experience is reflected both in highly qualified employees and in a rapidly growing range of services. The mastic asphalt sector is today a strong all-rounder for infrastructure projects and other building projects.

news 2019 gussasphalt 02 max boeglPhoto: Reinhard Mederer


Versatile application possibilities

With a well thought-out holistic approach, Max Bögl realises a wide variety of construction tasks: from waterproofing bridge structures, underground car parks and multi-storey car parks to mastic asphalt wearing courses. This versatile building material can also be used for complete road substructures, including earthworks, sealing layers and finished road pavements. Work on the construction sites is carried out with state-of-the-art equipment and machinery and under laboratory supervision directly on site. The use of mastic asphalt thus guarantees a high-quality building material that is both efficient and environmentally friendly.

Advantages of mastic asphalt

  • No compaction required
  • Void-free and waterproof
  • Very stable to deformation even under dynamic loads
  • High elasticity, very good skid resistance and grip
  • 2 to 3 times longer service life than conventional road surfaces
  • Reusable, environmentally friendly

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Duales Studium bei Max Bögl

Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl

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Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl


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Bewerbungstipps - Video



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