Max Bögl Group receives major order for underground cabling


TenneT commissions the Infrastructure division of the Max Bögl Group with Germany's longest 380 kV three-phase current underground cable section between the Wahle transformer station (Peine district) and the Lamspringe transformer station (Hildesheim district) in Lower Saxony. TenneT opted for the group because of its broad range of services and many years of experience in large-scale infrastructure projects. The contract includes the construction of the cable trenches, the laying of the empty conduits and the drilling of undercuts in areas where the underground cable will pass under railway lines, motorways or rivers, for example.

Max Bögl Group receives major order for underground cabling


The 13 kilometre stretch from Lesse to Holle is a complex project: The empty conduits for the three-phase earth cables must be laid in the bedding material. This requires a high degree of accuracy. This is because the precise position is decisive for the subsequent operation of the underground cable. Around every 1,000 meters, the cable ends are connected with sleeves. For these special connections, the construction teams will create their own pits in which the sleeves can be installed.


pm 2019 grossauftrag erdverkabelung
Graphic: TenneT TSO GmbH


Construction work will start before the end of this year. At a total of seven locations, where the underground cable crosses roads, motorways or waterways, horizontal drilling will be carried out using the so-called horizontal drilling method (HDD). This tried-and-tested method makes it possible to lay the empty conduits below obstacles without having to open a trench above ground. The longest borehole in this section will be drilled at Baddeckenstedt. It is 750 metres long and 15 metres below the top of the terrain at the apex. Here the cables cross a federal road, a railway line and the Innerste River.



Jürgen Kotzbauer
Phone: +49 9181 909-10712 

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