Major Noord/Zuidlijn project successfully in operation


After a 17-year construction period, a gigantic project has proven its reliability during operational times for more than half a year. The underground Noord/Zuidlijn, which is about 9.5 km long, connects the north with the city and the south of the pulsating metropolis. This is a big step for Amsterdam’s future – and it is a prime example for Max Bögl building infrastructure constructions.

Major Noord/Zuidlijn project successfully in operation


Rail free for Amsterdam's newest subway

The new construction of the north-south connection in the middle of the cramped and busy city centre was considered one of the most challenging subway projects in the Netherlands. With its eight stations, the underground journey through the narrow tunnel tubes is a unique experience for residents and visitors alike. At the same time, it is an exciting journey into Amsterdam's archaeological past, as numerous finds exhibited in the architecturally and artistically modern metro stations, which were salvaged during the construction work, show.

Opening ceremony of the Rokin station (from left to right): Gerard Scheffrahn (Project Manager Noord/Zuidlijn, City of Amsterdam), Hans de Koning (Managing Director Max Bögl Nederland B.V.), Max Bögl (partner Max Bögl Group), Janice Babel (Miss Amsterdam), Willem Koster (chairman enterprise federation Rokin), Hoite Detmar (director Noord/Zuidlijn, city Amsterdam) and Pauline Buurma (management Rokin)
Photo: Guido Frankfurther


High depth of value added

Max Bögl played a major role in the success of this major project. Since 2003, the company group had been commissioned with the construction of the underground stations Rokin, Vijzelgracht and De Pijp (formerly Ceintuurbaan) - to this day the largest exclusive contract in the company's history. In addition to the in-house divisions and departments of special civil engineering, earthworks and ground freezing technology, the steel and plant construction completed the extensive in-house services. The agreed completion date was undercut by four weeks and the shell structures were handed over on time at the end of 2014.

Photo: Benthem Crouwel Architects, Photographer Jannes Linders


Complex construction in the focus of residents

Complicated subsoil and groundwater conditions as well as the densely adjoining, listed historical buildings demanded the use of the most innovative construction techniques as well as the professional competence and many years of experience of Max Bögl's engineers and skilled workers. Around 400 in-house and external employees at the various locations worked on the technically complex construction of the underground stations using the cover construction method - in groundwater, under compressed air and maintaining public transport. During the twelve-year construction period, which saw the use of up to 200,000 cubic metres of concrete and 1,735 tonnes of steel structures, the focus was on safety for the residents and their houses.

Photo: Gé Dubbelman


Confidential cooperation

The solution of all technical challenges and the contribution of the most diverse departments of the Max Bögl Group were not the only factors contributing significantly to the success of this demanding infrastructure project. The continuously high motivation of the project teams and the trustful, solution-oriented cooperation with the client, the municipality of Amsterdam, were also decisive factors. Amsterdam also became the home town of Max Bögl Nederland B.V. After the completion of Noord/Zuidlijn, the group continued its work on other projects in the Dutch metropolis, including the Albert Cuyp underground car park under Boerenweteringgracht, the Spaarndammer Tunnel and the redesign of the "De Entree" station forecourt as a new access portal to the city centre.

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Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl


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