Cutting-edge technology in the SMB portfolio


The company SMB Construction International GmbH has emerged from many years of trustful cooperation with the partner STRABAG through the construction of test sites for automobile development as well as high-speed railways with elevated curves. In this special segment of road construction, sophisticated construction techniques and innovative equipment are used to meet the high demands of the automotive industry.

Cutting-edge technology in the SMB portfolio


Especially in the construction of high-speed railways with parabolically shaped steep curves up to 49° cross slope and 115 % gradient, SMB has done pioneering work with the use of the steep curve paver. A technically well trained and highly motivated team of employees and meticulous project preparation are among the outstanding strengths of the company. The early competent consulting of clients and planners is an integral part of the comprehensive service package.


pm 2019 grossauftrag erdverkabelungPhoto: Jürgen Wisckow


Test and training tracks at the highest level Building on years of experience in the construction of large test and training tracks for the automotive industry, SMB also deals with the planning and implementation of driving safety centers. Thanks to an extraordinary road design with difficult surfaces, condition sections and controllable obstacles, the extreme driving sections of these centres test and train the drivers' dexterity at the wheel. SMB has extensive know-how and experience from a large number of projects that have been successfully implemented for renowned customers worldwide.


news 2019 smb 03 max boegl
Klaus Görgner
Managing Director SMB Construction International
"With our know-how in the construction of modern test tracks, we are the global market leader and reliable partner of the automotive industry. 49° is too hot for many, but not too steep for us: SMB."


Current Projects

  • Renovation of the circuit Nardò, Italy (AG: Nardò Technical Center, Porsche)
  • New construction of 2 steep curves on the Zhongya Tyre Proving Ground, China (AG: Zhongya Tyre)
  • New construction of 2 steep curves on the Proving Ground in Santa Cruz de la Zarza, Spain (AG: Nokian Tyres)



pm 2019 grossauftrag erdverkabelungPhoto: Jürgen Wisckow


Range of Services

  • Planning and consulting
  • Construction of test and race tracks
  • Construction of driving safety centres
  • Construction of round and oval tracks
  • Construction of state sections
  • Construction of parabolically shaped steep curves
  • Machine technology: Bridge paver / steep curve paver


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