Cologne location - office relocation and new order

The Max Bögl location in Cologne moved from Stolberger Straße to Frankfurter Straße at the beginning of the year - about twelve kilometres from the city centre. The Eil district there is directly connected to the A3, A4 and A59 motorways and to Cologne/Bonn Airport. The newly acquired office space - in teamwork with the precast plant and the technical office staff in Hamminkeln - will strengthen the company's presence in North Rhine-Westphalia and increase its proximity to its customers.

Cologne location - office relocation and new order


Promotion of hall construction


With the creation of the local system construction divisions - e.g. Systembau NRW in the new office in Cologne - the group of companies is positioning itself even more broadly in the construction of halls. In addition to the construction work, customers can thus receive comprehensive support including planning throughout all project phases if desired. Building owners can thus configure their commercial properties individually with the experts on site and adapt them optimally to their specific needs.


Warehouse with office for fire department protective clothing


news 2020 koeln neuauftrag 01 max boeglbird's-eye view of the new S-Gard hall including outdoor facilities - still as visualization.
visualization / design author: BÜHLER - THEBRATH ARCHITEKTEN


The Systembau NRW division is currently planning and constructing a warehouse with integrated office and outdoor facilities in Heinsberg - about 90 km west of Cologne. The client is the medium-sized family business Hubert Schmitz GmbH with its brand S-GARD. Founded in 1887 as a weaving mill for special fabrics, the company is now one of the market-leading manufacturers of high-quality workwear and firefighter protective clothing in Europe. The new property in the Bögl hall system for S-GARD with an area of about three handball fields is being built in a construction period of only seven months. The precast concrete parts required for this are produced regionally in the company's own factory in Hamminkeln, only 120 km away.


news 2020 koeln neuauftrag 01 max boeglThe colourful facade design picks up the corporate design of S-Gard. The hall thus acquires an individual note of the client. br />visualisation / design author: BÜHLER - THEBRATH ARCHITEKTEN


news 2020 koeln neuauftrag 01 max boegldelivery zone with two levellers.
visualization / design author: BÜHLER - THEBRATH ARCHITEKTEN


"Hubert Schmitz GmbH is a medium-sized company with a long tradition, which is characterised by innovation and quality, among other things. We are extraordinarily looking forward to this project, especially as we identify with exactly the same values - the chemistry is right!
Alain Probst, Division Manager Systembau NRW
news 2020 koeln neuauftrag 04 max boegl



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Ausbildung bei Max Bögl

Duales Studium bei Max Bögl

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Duales Studium bei Max Bögl

Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl

Du bist noch in der Berufsorientierung und fragst dich, was du nach einem erfolgreichen Schulabschluss machen willst? Wir bieten dir die Möglichkeit, für eine Woche live bei einem unserer Ausbildungsberufe mit dabei zu sein. Finde heraus, was dir Spaß macht!

Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl


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  • Anschreiben
  • Aktueller Lebenslauf
  • Letztes Schulzeugnis
  • Nachweis über durchgeführte Praktika (wenn vorhanden)


Bewerbungstipps - Video



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