BE5 - A companion to a digital future


As a central innovation and digitization platform, BE5 promotes cross-company collaboration to shape the future of construction and operation. Max Bögl has recognized the potential of this platform as an innovation engine and network and is actively involved as a founding member. Together with other companies involved in the creation and use of buildings, start-ups and young creative people, innovations are developed in order to actively advance the digital transformation of the entire industry.

BE5 - A companion to a digital future


The aim of the Platform for Built Environment Focused Innovations, Ventures & Enterprises (BE5) is to inform about trends and developments, to train employees of partner companies, to inspire them with agile talents for the construction sector and to establish cross-company cooperation as an important element of the change process. Within this framework, joint projects and business models are initiated with relevant players in the industry.


BE5's holistic approach is based on networking and exchange of experience, active method training (boot camps) and cross-company development workshops (makeathons) as well as hackathons, in which solutions are developed in a very short time in the form of the first functional prototypes, which create significant added value for customers and users. In pilot projects or start-ups, these solutions are concretized and tested in real-life environments and developed into marketable products and software applications.


The processing is always in the hands of interdisciplinary teams from a network of experts, start-ups, students and employees of the partner companies. BE5 offers the appropriate framework to implement creative ideas quickly and purposefully, free of existing company structures and boundaries.


Graphic: Max Bögl Group, UnternehmerTUM


"With its start-up culture, the platform is an important building block for quickly generating innovations along the value chain and decisively driving forward the necessary change process in the construction industry."
Max Bögl, Partner


"BE5 brings together not only companies, start-ups and talents, but also researchers, politicians, associations and venture capital investors. For the construction sector in particular, technologies from the start-up world open up new business models and opportunities."
Dr. Manuel Götzendörfer, Managing Director BE5


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Duales Studium bei Max Bögl

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Duales Studium bei Max Bögl

Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl

Du bist noch in der Berufsorientierung und fragst dich, was du nach einem erfolgreichen Schulabschluss machen willst? Wir bieten dir die Möglichkeit, für eine Woche live bei einem unserer Ausbildungsberufe mit dabei zu sein. Finde heraus, was dir Spaß macht!

Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl


Deine Bewerbungsunterlagen sollten Folgendes beinhalten:

  • Anschreiben
  • Aktueller Lebenslauf
  • Letztes Schulzeugnis
  • Nachweis über durchgeführte Praktika (wenn vorhanden)


Bewerbungstipps - Video



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