4,000 employees under one roof

With the W&W Campus into the future.

The new construction of a modern campus as a common, connecting place for all companies and visitors of the Wüstenrot & Württembergische Group (W&W) is an expression of the unity of the traditional companies Wüstenrot and Württembergische. By 2023, seven office buildings are to be loosely grouped around the campus at the Kornwestheim location, consisting of terraces, squares and arcades with restaurants, cafés, training and conference rooms. Around 1,200 employees have now moved into the first construction phase.

4,000 employees under one roof

Almost two and a half years after construction began in July 2015, the employees of Baden-Württemberg's largest independent financial services provider started working at modern, sustainable workplaces at the beginning of 2018. They will be accommodated in two new office buildings including a computer center with 32,000 square meters of gross floor space on the former parking lot of the W&W Group. The first campus section of the new corporate headquarters will be supplemented by two new multi-storey car parks with a total of around 880 parking spaces for cars and 110 for bicycles.

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Transparent working environment with residential character

W&W AG commissioned the Max Bögl group of companies in a joint venture with the construction companies WOLFF & MÜLLER and GWI with the turnkey construction of the new office buildings and the construction of the facade cladding for the multi-storey car parks and outdoor facilities. The façade made of 650,000 clinker bricks is characteristic of the approximately 28 metre high, room-high glazed office buildings. The interior of the six- and seven-storey new buildings is also of the highest architectural concrete quality. The two multi-storey car parks with their almost 7,000 square metres of prefabricated façades were constructed using prefabricated construction methods. The shell of the computer centre housed in the basement of the eastern office building was handed over to general contractor IBM on schedule in August 2016 and was ready for occupation with all computers by mid-2017.

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Seven office buildings in two construction phases

Now that the first construction phase has been completed, demolition of the old buildings on the W&W Kornwestheim site is to begin this year and construction of the buildings in the second phase will begin in spring 2019. By 2023, this will provide a total of five further office buildings with 2,800 workplaces - based on the standard floor plans of the campus building units according to plans by the architecture firm Ortner & Ortner Baukunst. Then the buildings, loosened up by squares, staircases and terraces, will be grouped around a broad main axis with their own inner courtyards, to which communal facilities such as the central company restaurant, training and meeting rooms, sports and medical areas as well as a conference centre will be connected.

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Ausbildung bei Max Bögl

Bist du kaufmännisch, technisch oder handwerklich interessiert? Für einen Einstieg ins Berufsleben bist du bei uns genau richtig. Wir bilden Azubis in 38 Ausbildungsberufen aus und du kannst einer von ihnen sein. Informiere dich über unsere zahlreichen Ausbildungsberufe und starte mit uns deine Karriere!

Ausbildung bei Max Bögl

Duales Studium bei Max Bögl

Wir bieten jedes Jahr Stellen für die branchenfokussierten Studiengänge Baumanagement, Bauingenieurwesen und Maschinenbau an. Neben einer fundierten wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung kannst du jede Menge Praxiserfahrung sammeln. Außerdem erhältst du einen fließenden Übergang vom Studium in den Beruf. Eine finanzielle Vergütung während dem Studium ist für uns natürlich selbstverständlich.

Duales Studium bei Max Bögl

Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl

Du bist noch in der Berufsorientierung und fragst dich, was du nach einem erfolgreichen Schulabschluss machen willst? Wir bieten dir die Möglichkeit, für eine Woche live bei einem unserer Ausbildungsberufe mit dabei zu sein. Finde heraus, was dir Spaß macht!

Schülerpraktikum bei Max Bögl


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  • Anschreiben
  • Aktueller Lebenslauf
  • Letztes Schulzeugnis
  • Nachweis über durchgeführte Praktika (wenn vorhanden)


Bewerbungstipps - Video



Während der Schulferien etwas dazuverdienen und gleichzeitig das Unternehmen kennenlernen. Ferienjobs gibt es in verschiedenen Bereichen von Max Bögl, wie z.B. in der Fertigung oder der Logistik. Finde innerhalb von 1 bis 8 Wochen heraus, wo deine Interessen liegen. Entdecke die Welt von Max Bögl!


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