transport logistic 2019 – Hall System Bögl for flexible building sizes

E-commerce, technology and sustainability - three essential trends that shape the logistics industry and influence tomorrow's developments. Furthermore, logistics companies also have to face the challenges of demographic change and find practicable solutions.

transport logistic 2019 – Hall System Bögl for flexible building sizes


In general terms, the industry is currently experiencing a veritable boom, which is confirmed by a new logistics construction area of just under 4.5 million m² in 2018 (source: L.Immo online).


hallenbau max boegl
The Hall System Bögl from the company's own 3D printer - in use for the first time at transport logistic 2019

Max Bögl offers a specially developed solution exactly for this dynamic: the Hall system Bögl. This can be imagined abstractly like a modular system of individual building blocks. The respective components of a logistics centre - such as supports, beams or roof trusses - always fit precisely into each other and can be connected and extended as required.


This is how new buildings are created time and again, depending on the design wishes of the customers. This construction method is equally applicable for small and large real estate objects - the system is simply adapted. The systematization does not end with the product with its individual construction components, but also includes aspects such as planning, production and project management.

In addition, visitors can experience the Bögl hall system "up close" with the help of VR glasses.


Andreas Meyer
Head of Technical Services System Construction
"In our Hall system Bögl we use our own plants in Germany and manufacture the required individual parts regardless of the weather. This enables us to guarantee our customers short construction times, cost security from the outset and the highest quality".


The opportunities and risks inherent in the above-mentioned developments and the other topics of interest to the logistics sector will be discussed at transport logistic from 04.06. to 07.06.2019.


The Max Bögl Group is also on site and is looking forward to lively discussions on the subject of logistics real estate - LogReal.Campus Hall B5, Stand No. 225/326.



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„Fortschritt baut man aus Ideen“ heißt der Leitsatz der Firmengruppe Max Bögl. Dieser Anspruch kommt nicht von ungefähr: Der Mut zu innovativen Ideen und deren tatkräftige Umsetzung waren schon vor über 85 Jahren unser Ansatz. Damit sichern wir uns den entscheidenden Vorsprung im Markt. Für unsere Produkte, unsere Firmengruppe und ganz besonders auch für unsere Kunden. Die Arbeitsbereiche bei Max Bögl sind unglaublich vielfältig – werfen Sie einen Blick auf unsere unterschiedlichen Fachbereiche!

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