Relief for city and residents


New motorway feeder road in Bucharest. With around 2.2 million inhabitants, Bucharest is the sixth largest city in the European Union.

Relief for city and residents

But Romania's capital city in the heart of Walachia is increasingly threatened by traffic congestion. A new inner-city motorway feeder road from the city centre to the existing A1 motorway - with 17 bridge structures the largest bridge construction site in Bucharest - is intended to remedy this situation. Max Bögl, as technical leader in Arge, was awarded the contract for the construction of the new 6.7-kilometer-long motorway feeder road with a construction volume of over 143 million euros. In the course of this major project, the Virtutii junction in particular represents a technical challenge. With its numerous access and departure ramps as well as bridge structures in a wide variety of designs, it will in future enable drivers to cross the existing ring and the artificial canal Dâmboviţa without crossing. The heart of the approximately 1,100-metre-long section is the modern cable-stayed bridge with its 68-metre-high pylon, which bridges the canal without piers with a span of 165 metres.

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„Fortschritt baut man aus Ideen“ heißt der Leitsatz der Firmengruppe Max Bögl. Dieser Anspruch kommt nicht von ungefähr: Der Mut zu innovativen Ideen und deren tatkräftige Umsetzung waren schon vor über 85 Jahren unser Ansatz. Damit sichern wir uns den entscheidenden Vorsprung im Markt. Für unsere Produkte, unsere Firmengruppe und ganz besonders auch für unsere Kunden. Die Arbeitsbereiche bei Max Bögl sind unglaublich vielfältig – werfen Sie einen Blick auf unsere unterschiedlichen Fachbereiche!

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