Major project FUHLE 101 in Hamburg

Attractive commercial building with hotel. An important milestone in Barmbek's vitalization: with the demolition of the "Hertie" department store, which had been vacant for a long time, the building, which many citizens perceived as a "disgrace", disappeared from the cityscape in autumn 2014.

Major project FUHLE 101 in Hamburg

Now a modern commercial building with a hotel in a prime location is being built on the same site, in direct connection between the railway station and the "Fuhle", Barmbek's popular shopping street. The Fuhlsbüttler Strasse in the north of Hamburg shines in new splendour after extensive renovation measures in recent years. A further increase in attractiveness is provided by the construction of a new commercial building with around 9,000 square metres of retail and catering space as well as an IntercityHotel with over 200 rooms. The Düsseldorf-based project developer Development Partner and the Hamburg-based B&L Group are investing around 70 million euros in the joint project. The 5-storey commercial building with its characteristic reddish brick façade was designed by the renowned office of Bieling Architekten. The Max Bögl group of companies in Arge with Hochtief is responsible for completion on schedule by mid-2019. Construction work has already begun with shoring and excavation work. Above ground, a new pedestrian passage connects the major project with the neighbouring new building of the VBG head office, which has already been completed. A new underground multi-storey car park with several hundred parking spaces will be developed to facilitate parking in the city quarter.

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