Church blessing of the exhibition hall 3C in Nuremberg

On 16.10.2018, the church blessing of the exhibition hall 3C in Nuremberg took place. The impressive building, which was planned by the world-famous "Zaha Hadid Architects", combines modernity with functionality.

Church blessing of the exhibition hall 3C in Nuremberg


For example, an inclination of the roof construction of four degrees results in acoustic, thermal and energetic advantages. In addition, the glass façade reaching down to the ground on the south side provides plenty of daylight in the enormous interior, which offers around 9,600 m² of exhibition space. This is about the size of a professional soccer field. Max Bögl was able to realise this impressive project to the complete satisfaction of our client thanks to a well-rehearsed teamwork in the areas of building construction, prefabrication and steel construction in a construction period from May 2016 to January 2018.



Shareholder Mr. Bögl Johann, who took part in the church blessing, expressed his pleasure: "I would like to express here a very big praise to our colleagues involved. It is a truly fantastic achievement that has been achieved here. The architecture of the building is as fascinating as few other buildings that I know of. But also the detail work of our departments is really great here."



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