Highspeed between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem


First deployment of FF Bögl in Israel

On the historic railway route from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which dates back to the Ottoman period, the journey now takes one and a half hours. From mid-2018, modern high-tech trains on Israel's first high-speed line will reduce the journey time between the two largest metropolises to one third.

Highspeed between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem


In addition to the existing single-track Jaffa-Jerusalem railway line, the country's largest infrastructure project is nearing completion after construction begins in 2001. The new double-track electrified railway line runs from Tel Aviv via Ben Gurion International Airport to Jerusalem in 30 minutes. The Bögl ballastless track in several lots ensures a high level of ride comfort and safety on the approximately 56 kilometer long route.

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Production and installation of around 7,000 track supporting slabs

Max Bögl together with Electra Ltd. received the order for the production and installation of the FF Bögl system, including in tunnels, on bridges and in the new underground railway station under construction in Jerusalem. In the course of this major project, an existing production plant for segments for the manufacture of track supporting slabs was converted as planned by the end of 2015. After a subsequent two-month trial operation, series production of the approximately 7,000 track supporting slabs was started in March 2016. Production of the slabs is expected to be completed by October 2017. After the Israeli partner Electra Ltd. had laid the preconditions for the installation, the Bögl ballastless track was laid between October 2016 and February 2017 in a first 3.2-kilometer section. According to current planning, the installation of the Bögl Slab Track will take until complete completion, including rail assembly, by mid-2018.

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