Vestas and Max Bögl Wind AG are joining forces to lead the energy transition in Germany and Austria to success


In cooperation with Max Bögl Wind AG, Vestas is expanding its industry-leading tower portfolio of different tower technologies and heights to include concrete hybrid towers. Towers with hub heights of 166 and 169 meters are certified for the V162-5.6 MW and V150-5.6 MW turbine models of the EnVentus platform for Germany and Austria. Type approvals and relevant documentation packages are immediately available, so that Vestas customers can plan their EnVentus wind projects with these new towers.

Vestas and Max Bögl Wind AG are joining forces to lead the energy transition in Germany and Austria to success


Josef Knitl, CEO of Max Bögl Wind AG, is convinced of the success of the collaboration: "We are continuously working on the resource-saving and economic further development of hybrid towers with high hub heights. For the EnVentus platforms V162-5.6 MW and V150.-5.6 MW, we have developed an ideal tower design based on our hybrid tower 2.0, which meets Vestas' technical requirements." Jürgen Joos, Commercial Director of Max Bögl Wind AG, adds: “We see high potential in the cooperation with Vestas for the further development of even more efficient wind turbines for the German and Austrian markets. Especially in future, the hub height in combination with efficient turbine technology will be decisive for the success of wind power in the electricity market.”


news 2020 vestas max boegl
Photo: Vestas


“Our partnership with Max Bögl Wind AG, the most experienced hybrid tower manufacturer in the market, expands Vestas’ tall tower portfolio for Germany and Austria. We are leveraging on an existing supply chain set-up in Germany for efficient logistics and optimized project exposures”, states Jan Hagen, VP Technical Sales, Vestas Northern & Central Europe. “We also invest into this partnership based on modularity taking center stage in both product strategies with the clear potential to further enhance the flexibility and competitiveness of our EnVentus offerings in the future, to the benefit of our customers and the energy transition.”





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