Strong anniversary!


25 Jahre Max Bögl Rentner-Club.

On 22 February 2018 the Max Bögl Group celebrated a great anniversary in the Innovation Centre. On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, CEO Stefan Bögl together with the personnel department and the works council invited the members of the Max Bögl Pensioners' Club to the "old working place" in Sengenthal. Around 80 former colleagues accepted the invitation and experienced a colourful programme of company presentations and factory tours of the new maxmodul production facility in Bachhausen on this day.

Strong anniversary!


After Stefan Bögl's ceremonial speech, the participants enjoyed the specially baked anniversary cake. Yes, how time passes - one thinks it was only yesterday, one could hear from many alumni. Although they are no longer employed, everyone was very enthusiastic about how rapidly and well the group of companies has developed over the past few years. Nevertheless, some are more than happy that they can now enjoy their well-deserved retirement.

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Back to the roots

How did it actually start with the "Pensioners Club" and what is on the annual programme today? The Max Bögl Rentner-Club was founded in 1993 in the premises of IKK classic in Neumarkt i. d. OPf. by Walter Rackl, then chairman of the works council. Josef Pröbstle took over the chairmanship and led the Pensioners' Club for around ten years. For the first eight years, the "Mittlere Gans" in Neumarkt i. d. OPf served as the first clubhouse for the members. Then they moved to the Sportheim in Holzheim, where the 20th anniversary was celebrated years ago. After Josef Pröbstle, Josef Lehmeier headed the club until Walter Rackl took over the chairmanship in 2006. The current deputy is Theo Bäuml, Adolf Meier is the treasurer.

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Lots going on throughout the year

Today the Max Bögl Rentner-Club comprises about 100 members who meet regularly once a month on the second Wednesday (dates are always in the daily newspapers) for mutual exchange. The varied programme always includes the traditional Kesselfleisch meal at the beginning of the year, the Mother's Day party and 1 to 3-day excursions in summer. During the excursions the alumni visited one or two Max Bögl construction sites near and far from home, such as the DC Tower 1 in Vienna or our partner company Bögl a Krýsl in the Czech Republic. In autumn we will visit the Neumarkter Volksfest together, while the Christmas party will bring the year to a close in a contemplative atmosphere. At the regular meetings in the clubhouse, numerous speakers from associations and politicians keep pensioners up to date with lectures on current health and legal issues. Altogether a multicolored program with active exchange and beautiful trips - simply mad, so the Max B?gl pensioners unanimously.

Young talent is very welcome

The Pensioners' Club, above all the Executive Board, would be very pleased if the new Max Bögl pensioners would also find their way into the club. For a registration or for questions you can turn gladly to the chairman Walter Rackl under telephone 0175 4124443. The Max Bögl Group wishes its pensioners all the best, an eventful year and lots of fun in the Max Bögl Pensioners' Club. And of course a well-deserved retirement!

Langs directe weg

De bruggenbouwspecialisten bij Max Bögl zijn bijzonder gefascineerd door de moderne bruggenbouw. Met ruim meer dan 1.000 voltooide bruggenbouwwerken bewijst de groep haar grote kennis op het gebied van de moderne bruggenbouw. Waren de wegen- en spoorbruggen in het begin gefabriceerd uit betonnen prefab-elementen, tegenwoordig worden bouwwerken van elke omvang vervaardigd – van in-situ beton, staalbeton hybride tot zuivere staalbouw. Een andere specialisatie van ons bedrijf is de vervangende nieuwbouw van weg- en spoorverkeersbruggen waarbij het verkeer doorgang kan blijven vinden (“De winkel blijft geopend”). Bij de uitvoering wordt gebruik gemaakt van alle gangbare bouwmethoden, zoals de steigerloze uitbouwmethode, het zgn. stapsgewijze schuifprocedé, bekistingen en draagconstructies. Bij alle bouwconstructies van onze groep hebben kwaliteit en de strikte naleving van termijnen steeds prioriteit. Veiligheid, robuustheid, bestendigheid en natuurvriendelijke vormgeving zijn andere criteria waarbij we ons in deze belangrijke discipline van de moderne werktuigbouwkunde met de concurrentie kunnen meten. In het oog springende referenties zijn de Hanzeboog, Stadsbrug Nijmegen en spoorbrug Zuidhorn.
Langs directe weg


  • Stapsgewijze schuifprocedé
  • Bekisting
  • Staal en staalbeton hybride bruggen
  • Massief plaatstalen bruggen
  • Modulbruggen
  • Hybride spoorbruggen

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