Max Bögl builds some of the highest wind power towers in Asia


The Max Bögl Wind AG reaches a milestone in the wind farm Thepharak in Thailand: The 90th hybrid tower in the project is erected. The company thus proves that wind power towers can also be produced far away from home in a mobile production facility according to German quality criteria.

Max Bögl builds some of the highest wind power towers in Asia


This day, the last hybrid tower in Huai Bong left the production hall of Mobile Manufacturing. Max Bögl Wind AG has thus successfully produced 90 wind power towers with hub heights of 156.5 metres each far away from home in German factory quality. "We are proud to have erected some of the highest wind power towers in Asia during the initial deployment of our Mobile Production", says Udo Hiller, Central Division Manager Wind Turbines at Max Bögl Wind AG. The turbines and rotor blades will be installed in the next few weeks, so that the overall turbine assembly will probably be completed at the beginning of February. In March, all turbines should be connected to the grid and Thailand should have come a step closer to its goal of increasing the share of renewable energies to 30 percent by 2036.


Production 17,000 kilometers shipped

In August 2017 Max Bögl Wind AG began shipping 262 overseas containers from Sengenthal in the Upper Palatinate to Huai Bong in Thailand, 17,000 kilometres away. Arriving at the destination, a good 260 kilometres northeast of Bangkok, the world's first mobile production facility for wind power towers was created within a few months from around 3.5 tonnes of high-quality equipment. A short time later, production began with local raw materials and around 200 - mostly Thai - workers. The local completion increased the value added on site and burdened the infrastructure considerably less due to unnecessary heavy transports. Josef Knitl, CEO of Max Bögl Wind AG, is proud of the performance of all those involved: "Making a complete production plant possible anywhere in the world - that was our claim. With courageous ideas and committed employees, we have also successfully succeeded in this innovative project." Soon hybrid towers will be leaving the production halls at a new location according to German engineering specifications.

Mobile manufacturing among top 10 nominees


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With the degree of innovation in mobile manufacturing, Max Bögl Wind AG has meanwhile made a name for itself in the entire construction industry. The flexible manufacturing system is among the top 10 nominees for the bauma Innovation Award 2019 in the category "Construction Processes". The Construction Industry Award is presented every three years. This year's winners will be announced in April.


About Max Bögl Wind AG

Using renewable energies more efficiently and thus actively advancing the energy revolution. This is what Max Bögl Wind AG stands for with its innovative technology solutions. The company is Germany's market leader in the manufacture, supply and erection of hybrid towers and holds the record for the world's tallest wind power tower with a hub height of 178 metres. Max Bögl Wind AG is also setting new technical and innovative standards in the field of power storage. With the water battery, a completely new type of large storage facility was developed, which for the first time combines the production of electricity from renewable energies with a modern pumped storage power plant. The turnkey portfolio complements the max.power division with the development of suitable concepts for placing and marketing the generated energy. Max Bögl Wind AG is a subsidiary of Max Bögl. The group of companies from Sengenthal near Neumarkt i.d.Opf. is one of the top 10 largest German companies in the construction industry and has been active in the wind energy sector since 2010. Founded in 1929, the family-run company with around 6,500 employees worldwide achieves annual sales of over 1.65 billion euros.



Nancy Fürst
Head of Marketing Wind
Tel.: +49 9181 909-14698

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De bruggenbouwspecialisten bij Max Bögl zijn bijzonder gefascineerd door de moderne bruggenbouw. Met ruim meer dan 1.000 voltooide bruggenbouwwerken bewijst de groep haar grote kennis op het gebied van de moderne bruggenbouw. Waren de wegen- en spoorbruggen in het begin gefabriceerd uit betonnen prefab-elementen, tegenwoordig worden bouwwerken van elke omvang vervaardigd – van in-situ beton, staalbeton hybride tot zuivere staalbouw. Een andere specialisatie van ons bedrijf is de vervangende nieuwbouw van weg- en spoorverkeersbruggen waarbij het verkeer doorgang kan blijven vinden (“De winkel blijft geopend”). Bij de uitvoering wordt gebruik gemaakt van alle gangbare bouwmethoden, zoals de steigerloze uitbouwmethode, het zgn. stapsgewijze schuifprocedé, bekistingen en draagconstructies. Bij alle bouwconstructies van onze groep hebben kwaliteit en de strikte naleving van termijnen steeds prioriteit. Veiligheid, robuustheid, bestendigheid en natuurvriendelijke vormgeving zijn andere criteria waarbij we ons in deze belangrijke discipline van de moderne werktuigbouwkunde met de concurrentie kunnen meten. In het oog springende referenties zijn de Hanzeboog, Stadsbrug Nijmegen en spoorbrug Zuidhorn.
Langs directe weg


  • Stapsgewijze schuifprocedé
  • Bekisting
  • Staal en staalbeton hybride bruggen
  • Massief plaatstalen bruggen
  • Modulbruggen
  • Hybride spoorbruggen

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