Bögl’s Segmental Bridge wins Bavarian Engineering Prize 2019


The Bavarian Engineering Prize 2019 was awarded last Friday to three Bavarian companies for their outstanding, creative and innovative engineering works. For the 10th time already, the Bayerische Ingenieurkammer-Bau (Bavarian Chamber of Engineers for Constructions) awarded the prize worth 10 000 euros. At the 27th Bavarian Engineering Day, Chamber President Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gebbeken and the Bavarian Minister of Construction Dr. Hans Reichhart presented the prize.

Bögl’s Segmental Bridge wins Bavarian Engineering Prize 2019


Photo: Max Bögl Group


With regard to the evaluation of the objects submitted, originality, creativity, innovation as well as the use of new technologies were the focus by the seven-person jury, which were presided by Dipl.-Ing. Karl Wiebel. The company group Max Bögl won the first prize with its Segmental Bridge, which is Bögl’s innovative new development.

Jury statement:

Bögl’s Segmental Bridge is a new type of prefabricated construction. This system shows a high degree of prefabrication, very short construction periods and the drive way needs no sealing and pavement surface. A characteristic feature is the clear separation of the longitudinal structural system regarding longitudinally and transversely prestressed pavement slabs. These slabs, which are supported on airtight welded boxed steel girders and are pre-tensioned by means of external prestressing in the sideway areas, can be driven on immediately and can be replaced easily. The result is a low-maintenance bridge construction whereby advantages of serial fabrications concerning structural components take its effect.

Technical information on Bögl’s Segmental Bridge:



Jürgen Kotzbauer
Head of Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 9181 909-10712
E-Mail: jkotzbauer@max-boegl.de

Met toekomstgerichte eigen ontwikkelingen met betrekking tot de thema’s van onze tijd zoals duurzame energie, urbanisatie, mobiliteit en infrastructuur, verwezenlijkt Max Bögl vandaag al oplossingen voor de megatrends van onze geglobaliseerde wereld. Gebaseerd op jarenlange ervaring en competenties positioneert Max Bögl zich bovendien als belangrijke impulsgever in de ontwikkeling van innovatieve producten, technologieën en bouwprocessen.

Het brede dienstenspectrum en de hoge mate aan toegevoegde waarde met eigen staalbouw, eigen prefab productie, ultramodern wagen- en machinepark, alsmede eigen grondstoffen en bouwmaterialen garanderen de hoogste kwaliteit. Daarnaast garandeert de inzet van de nieuwste IT- en BIM-technologieën, Lean management/productie en een gestandaardiseerde projectafhandeling, stiptheid in de levertermijn en doelmatigheid van het eerste conceptidee tot aan het kant en klare bouwproduct.

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