maxmodul in Bayreuth


Variety through serial module construction. Cheap living space is scarce in this country, tens of thousands of apartments are lacking. The result is rent increases and bottlenecks in large cities and university towns, conurbations and rural districts close to cities.

maxmodul in Bayreuth

Vonovia SE in Bayreuth shows that affordable residential construction, in which people feel comfortable, is possible according to modern standards. On behalf of Germany's leading housing company, Max Bögl is building a residential building on the Red Main using the maxmodul system. A four-storey building with 20 residential units and a living space of around 1,200 square metres will be erected near the grounds of the State Garden Show from autumn 2017. Completion is scheduled for the end of 2017. The fast and precisely fitting assembly of the components with prefabricated finishing elements enables a short construction period of only three months without costly site equipment and thus reliable adherence to costs and schedules. The modular construction system can be applied flexibly and in almost unlimited variety and variability to numerous floor plans and building concepts.

Kwaliteit betekent voor ons het vervullen van de door de klant gestelde eisen op het gebied van de kwaliteit en duurzaamheid van onze producten, gecombineerd met een betrouwbare leveringstermijn en maximale flexibiliteit bij de planning en uitvoering.

Wij verplichten ons tot bepaling en naleving van alle eisen die op ons van toepassing zijn alsmede alle wettelijke en officiële voorschriften. Basis van ons handelen is een nul-fouten-strategie en de consequente verbetering van ons kwaliteitmanagementsysteem door alle medewerkers.

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