Max Bögl supports the research team "WARR Hyperloop" in their research project with ultra strong concrete pipes


In January 2017, a team from TU Munich won the Elon Musk international design competition for the first time - now the TUM-Hyperloop team won for the fourth time in a row. Max Bögl supported their research project with an ultra strong concrete tube. Elon Musk personally admired the system.

Max Bögl supports the research team "WARR Hyperloop" in their research project with ultra strong concrete pipes


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Photo: TUM-Hyperloop


The research team built a Pod with an ultra-rigid concrete pipe system, which was also presented at the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition. Within 4.5 seconds, they created a partial vacuum in our concrete segment, whose special mass helps to dampen vibrations. In addition to the Pod, a research team at the TU Munich with 15 students is investigating the Hyperloop concept in terms of feasibility, sustainability and cost-effectiveness. An impressive achievement by the young research team!


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Photo: TUM-Hyperloop


We congratulate the winners and are pleased to have been able to support the students in their research project with our ultra-resistant concrete pipes!


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