Location Denmark celebrates its 5th anniversary


On 19 November the Max Bögl location Denmark celebrated its 5th anniversary. All employees - whether in the branch or on the construction sites - were surprised with cakes on this occasion.

Location Denmark celebrates its 5th anniversary


news 2018 5 jahre daenemark 01 max boegl


Interesting facts about our location in Denmark:

  • The head office in Denmark is located in the city of Fredericia, which has a population of 41,000. Geographically, Fredericia is located 100 kilometres north of Flensburg and 220 kilometres west of Copenhagen - the capital of Denmark.
  • Currently there are 44 colleagues working in Denmark. These employees are professionally diverse. There are construction and project managers, quality managers, business people and calculators all working in a wide variety of professions at the site.
  • Special projects in the 5-year history include the hospital in Herning, the university hospital in Århus and the recently completed multi-storey car park in Copenhagen, which impresses with its extraordinary facade.

    Currently, the remarkable housing project "Base Camp" in Lyngby and the logistics centre for Nomeco HealthCare - the largest and most modern logistics centre for pharmaceutical products in Northern Europe - are being realised in Køge.

With this in mind, we look forward to the next 5 years and wish our colleagues in Denmark all the best and continued success.


Ejler Bille multi-storey car park, Copenhagen


Housing Base Camp, Lyngby


Kwaliteit betekent voor ons het vervullen van de door de klant gestelde eisen op het gebied van de kwaliteit en duurzaamheid van onze producten, gecombineerd met een betrouwbare leveringstermijn en maximale flexibiliteit bij de planning en uitvoering.

Wij verplichten ons tot bepaling en naleving van alle eisen die op ons van toepassing zijn alsmede alle wettelijke en officiële voorschriften. Basis van ons handelen is een nul-fouten-strategie en de consequente verbetering van ons kwaliteitmanagementsysteem door alle medewerkers.

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