Aid project for Senegal (West Africa)


Women are happy about a modern millet mill. Brooding heat, hardly any rain and salty wells: The women in Back-Seck, a village in the Sahel zone with around 7,000 inhabitants in northern Senegal, do not have it easy to ensure daily nutrition for their families.

Aid project for Senegal (West Africa)

The few rains a year are just enough to wrest millet from the barren soil, the most important staple food. Thanks to the great commitment of our Group and a donation of 6,200 euros, the women of Back-Seck have now been able to fulfil a long-awaited wish: the purchase of a modern millet mill including a new building for accommodation. Whereas millet had to be laboriously crushed in the past, a diesel-powered machine is now making a quantum leap in making work easier.

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