Max Bögl Group invests in more security


With the acquisition of a new fleet of truck mixers for ready-mix concrete, the Max Bögl Group is investing in modern mixing, vehicle and environmental technology and, above all, in greater safety with a modern turn-off assistant system.

Max Bögl Group invests in more security


Photo: Max Bögl Group


As in the past, the Max Bögl Group relies on modern technical systems as well as ergonomic and environmentally friendly vehicles and components for its vehicle fleet. The latest investment in Max Bögl Transport and equipment is 16 truck mixers for ready-mix concrete from Mercedes-Benz. Liebherr installed the latest generation of truck mixers. A special highlight of the truck mixer fleet is the turn assistant system of the MEKRA Lang Group.


Photo: Max Bögl Group


With the turn assistant, the new vehicles of the group of companies have an advanced collision avoidance system based on a radar system that reliably informs the driver of possible hazards by means of warning messages. With this equipment we considerably increase the safety of unprotected road users (e.g. pedestrians and cyclists) when turning right and also offer our drivers more safety and overview.


Photo: Max Bögl Group


In addition, a camera mounted on the side of the driver's cab was used to mount a so-called "blind spot assistant" by our long-standing partner, Autohaus Bögl. The monitor mounted on the A-pillar of the vehicle makes the critical area to the right of the truck visible to the driver at a glance.


Jürgen Kotzbauer
Phone: +49 9181 909-10712 




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