Initiative for climate protection


In a joint press release with Stiftung 2°, Germanwatch, B.A.U.M. e.V. and over 50 large and medium-sized companies, the Max Bögl group calls for concrete climate policy demands to be made of Jamaica negotiators.

Initiative for climate protection

For a convincing implementation strategy of the Climate Protection Plan 2050 as a modernisation programme for Germany. "A pioneering role in climate protection is a great opportunity for the innovative strength and competitiveness of our economy," the declaration says. "The upcoming government coalition should therefore speed up the transformation towards a greenhouse gas-neutral economy and seek close cooperation with European and international partners to this end". With intelligent government frameworks, the energy-intensive industry, which is in international competition, can also press ahead with its transformation while maintaining its competitiveness.




Met ingang van 1 januari a.s. draagt Thomas Brandt, Directeur Infra bij Max Bögl Nederland B.V., het stokje over aan Jürgen Brügmann. Jürgen is al vele jaren werkzaam bij Max …

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Innovatieprijs InfraTech 2023

Innovatieprijs InfraTech 2023


Wij zijn trotse winnaar van de InfraTech 2023 innovatieprijs met ons Modulair Viaduct Bögl! In de categorie productinnovatie koos de vakjury voor ons modulaire én circulaire viaduct.

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InfraTech 2023

InfraTech 2023


Van 17 t/m 20 januari 2023 vindt de InfraTech in Ahoy Rotterdam plaats, dé vakbeurs in Nederland voor onze sector.

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