Record - Max Bögl Group welcomed 141 new "Bögler" to their first working day


Germany-wide, 141 new trainees began their training in the Max Bögl Group.

Record - Max Bögl Group welcomed 141 new "Bögler" to their first working day

Board member Michael Bögl welcomed 141 young people to the Max Bögl Group on 3rd September. More trainees than ever before have started their training at the Max Bögl Group. At the start of their career on the first day, in addition to getting to know each other, important information on the training provided by the training management as well as the youth and trainee representatives were in the foreground. In addition, the future skilled workers were given a first insight into the processes of the group of companies. The program was rounded off by a tour of the plant. The new trainees started their careers in 29 different training directions and two dual study courses. This makes the Max Bögl Group one of the largest training companies in the region. The Executive Board, the trainers and the works council wish all new trainees and students a good start to an interesting career.



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