Ground-breaking ceremony for the modern Max Bögl training centre


The Max Bögl Group is investing three million euros in a new training centre. In the future, trainees and dual students will be made fit for the ever faster changing world of work in Deining.

Ground-breaking ceremony for the modern Max Bögl training centre


Johann Bögl (shareholder Max Bögl), Max Bögl (shareholder Max Bögl), Stefan Bögl (CEO Max Bögl), Michael Bögl (Chairman Max Bögl), Markus Richthammer (Chairman Max Bögl) took the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony, Jens Bögl (Head of Human Resources Max Bögl), Jürgen Voigt (Site Manager Max Bögl), Karin Hammerl-Ranftl (Chairman of the General Works Council Max Bögl), Luis Heerdegen (Youth and Trainee Representative Max Bögl) and Alois Scherer (Mayor of Deining Municipality).


Photo: Max Bögl Group


The Max Bögl group of companies already offers 33 training occupations and 4 dual courses of study, 10% of all possible training occupations in Germany. Currently, around 300 trainees are being trained throughout Germany. The training quota is 5%. 160 new trainees will be added in September 2019. The goal of the Max Bögl Group is to increase the number of trainees to 500 over the next three years and to achieve a training quota of 7%.

The new modern training centre will increase the quality of the training by teaching Max Bögl specific contents and implementing new methods such as lean management and digitisation as well as industrialisation in the daily workflow. Young people should be better supported and prepared for the rapidly changing world. In addition, it creates new opportunities for further education and training for the existing workforce.

The focus of the new training building is on the industrial, wood, metal and electrical sectors. The training courses are supported by state-of-the-art simulators. In addition, there will be an outdoor area in which construction equipment operators will be trained, but there will also be the opportunity to carry out a live construction site. In addition, the trainees can be trained in the assembly of prefabricated parts.

Wir haben uns das Ziel gesetzt, ökologische und ökonomische Faktoren in Einklang zu bringen. Um die Umweltbelastungen durch unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen möglichst gering zu halten und weiter zu reduzieren, analysieren und bewerten wir unsere Umweltaspekte regelmäßig. Wir richten uns damit nach den Anforderungen des Umweltmanagementsystems ISO 14001. Die Einhaltung aller rechtlichen Vorschriften und anderer Anforderungen mit Umweltrelevanz bildet die Basis unseres Handelns.

Die Geschäftsprozesse und das Umweltmanagementsystem werden regelmäßig überprüft, damit Schwachstellen erkannt und geeignete Maßnahmen zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung eingeleitet werden können.

Die firmenweit geltende Umweltpolitik liegt in der Verantwortung des Vorstands und der Führungskräfte. Alle Mitarbeiter sind aufgefordert, diese einzuhalten und ihre täglichen Arbeiten umweltbewusst auszuführen.

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