maxmodul among the winners


In a Europe-wide competition, new concepts for serial and cost-efficient housing construction were sought. One of the winners is the maxmodul system from the Max Bögl Group.

maxmodul among the winners


The construction of affordable apartments of high quality and quick completion is to be accelerated under the leadership of GdW, the central association of the housing industry, together with the Federal Ministry of Building, the Federation of the German Building Industry and the Federal Chamber of Architects. After detailed examination of all offers nine offerers, among them Max Bögl, received at the end of of of May in Berlin the addition for their innovative housing construction concepts in modular building method. The maxmodul system was one of the two best concepts in solid construction.

Among the central requirements of the competition for the submitted offers were, among other things, variable urban buildings with compact and space-efficient floor plans. The jury also considered the attractive design of the architecture, energy-efficient and sustainable building concepts, the minimisation of traffic areas and a high degree of standardisation.


news 2018 maxmodul under_winners 00 max boegl


With this framework agreement, housing companies throughout Germany now have the opportunity to realize their housing construction projects faster, easier, more cost-efficiently and in high quality with maxmodul.




"The Europe-wide tendering process and its results are a pioneering achievement. For the first time, key players in the housing sector have worked together on innovative solutions for new rental housing."

Axel Gedaschko
President GdW



"The result of this procedure shows that sophisticated architecture and serial construction are not necessarily mutually exclusive."

Barbara Ettinger-Brinckmann
President of the Federal Chamber of Architects




Mit zukunftsweisenden Eigenentwicklungen zu Themen unserer Zeit, wie erneuerbare Energien, Urbanisierung, Mobilität und Infrastruktur, verwirklicht die Firmengruppe schon heute Lösungen für die Megatrends unserer globalisierten Welt. Basierend auf der langjährigen Erfahrung und Kompetenz im hochpräzisen Betonfertigteilbau positioniert sich Max Bögl zudem als wichtiger Impulsgeber in der Entwicklung innovativer Produkte, Technologien und Bauverfahren.

Das breite Leistungsspektrum und die hohe Wertschöpfungstiefe mit eigenem Stahlbau, eigenen Fertigteilwerken, modernstem Fuhr- und Gerätepark sowie eigenen Roh- und Baustoffen garantieren höchste Qualität. Dabei sichert der Einsatz von BIM, Lean Management/Production und einer standardisierten Projektabwicklung Termintreue und Wirtschaftlichkeit von der ersten Konzeptidee bis zum fertigen Bauprodukt.

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