Consistent use of BIM at Max Bögl


Time saved, quality assured.

In Germany Max Bögl is one of the pioneers in the field of Building Information Modeling (BIM). Already more than 15 years ago, the introduction of BIM in the company was started - with the clear requirement to achieve the greatest possible benefit for the customer at every step within the construction process. In the course of the application and further development of BIM, the group of companies is consistently expanding the use of this intelligent and holistic solution.

Consistent use of BIM at Max Bögl


Innovation is an essential part of the corporate philosophy. That is why Max Bögl has successfully established numerous applications in the areas of work preparation, deadline controlling and quality assurance after many years of experience. Today, the visions of a "digital chain" between all phases of planning and management and an all-encompassing building model, in which all building data is centrally stored and linked, are very close. In addition to model-based planning and project status visualization using 4D models, the BIM pioneer's early standards include the use of mobile BIM2Field solutions and efficient surveying solutions on the construction site, as well as the introduction of a cloud-based BIM project platform.

Model-based planning / collision detection

Model-based planning enables conflicts to be identified and resolved at an early stage throughout the entire construction process. In addition, the required quantities of steel and concrete can be determined exactly in advance. BIM thus leads to greater efficiency and higher quality with low risk - a benefit for all project participants.

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4D model / project status / forecast

BIM methods can be used to visualize the construction status and progress. Max Bögl offers customers various analysis options to track cost and schedule forecasts at any time and anywhere. Delays or cost changes are displayed transparently and enable early control measures.


Efficient surveying through modern BIM technologies is the future: Trained specialists at Max Bögl therefore take over simple tasks on site to relieve the surveyor on the construction site. In addition to the spot checks of staking out, this also includes the measurements in earthworks. For example, the system supports the foreman on site by displaying current deviations. Any problems can thus be detected more quickly. The data obtained is synchronized with the BIM project platform and is available to both the group of companies and the client for quality assurance purposes.

BIM2Field (QS, mobile)

Mobile solutions strengthen the connection between construction site and office at Max Bögl. Information is collected and processed centrally. This not only creates comprehensive documentation, but also a tool for improving quality. The end product thus meets all customer requirements.

BIM project platform

Collecting and sharing information forms the basis for successful cooperation with customers. The group therefore relies on a cloud-based BIM project platform to provide data in a real-time conversation. This enables customers to keep abreast of the current "project status" at all times.

Fewer planning errors, lower calculation risk

The advantages for the client are obvious: better coordination of the specialist planners and trades, fewer planning errors, cost and time savings, the elimination of repeated data entries and controlled collision control on the 3D model. The use of BIM also results in added value for Max Bögl in prefabrication: Due to the high degree of automation, components can be manufactured with the highest precision and quality. The networking of the processes and thus the interdisciplinary work with models in the project team also promote efficient cooperation and optimisation of the projects. State-of-the-art BIM applications and BIM models with corresponding content facilitate not only planning, production and controlling, but also subsequent management by facility management. The primary goal and focus at Max Bögl in the coming years will therefore be the optimisation and standard introduction of current BIM methods. To this end, the group of companies is working together with well-known clients on several projects in order to further improve the processes with regard to planning, execution and maintenance.


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