New look for the Transport System Bögl


New corporate design for the first trade fair appearance - The Transport System Bögl, a trend-setting solution for public transport, is presented in a new design: The next vehicle generation of the TSB shows itself in an extraordinary design and impressively demonstrates the mobility in future. This is accompanied by a new look for the website and other media, which present the TSB in a modern and urban scenery.

New look for the Transport System Bögl


The design of the new vehicle generation deliberately stands out from conventional means of transport by conveying a new impression. The combination of reduced basic shapes and functional elements combines simplicity and expressiveness in an elegant way. Derived from this, the new corporate design is shown in a fresh and modern look: In addition to our website, there are newly designed brochures and a logo that picks up on the aesthetics and dynamics of the new vehicle. In addition, the Transport System Bögl is set in scene in an urban visual world to demonstrate the diverse application possibilities of the TSB.

In the new design, the TSB will present itself together with the building construction and modular housing construction divisions of Max Bögl at this year's Expo Real from 07.-09.10.19 in Munich. The international trade fair for investments and real estate offers the ideal visible surface for a professional appearance of the TSB on the international market. On the stand A3 - 324 the economic complete package TSB will be presented. From the vehicle to the track to the operations control system, customers can find out about the advantages and details of the Transport System Bögl and what "more mobility" means for Max Bögl.


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Johann Bogner

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