Staff meeting 2019 at Max Bögl


Despite many challenges for the entire industry, the Max Bögl Group is very well positioned for the future: The highest order backlog in the company's history and a new training offensive - this was presented jointly by the works council and the executive board at the works meeting in the ARENA NÜRNBERGER VERSICHERUNG and showed that the Max Bögl Group is one of the strongest construction companies in Germany. Bavaria's Minister President Dr. Markus Söder, the guest of honour at the meeting, also emphasized the company's enormous performance and strong ties to its home region.

Staff meeting 2019 at Max Bögl

The Max Bögl employees, shareholders, the Executive Board, prominent guest speakers from politics and trade unions as well as the works councils met in Nuremberg for the annual works meeting at the invitation of Karin Hammerl-Ranftl, Chairman of the General Works Council. Karin Hammerl-Ranftl led through the event and, together with the company management, drew a positive balance of the past business year. At the same time, in her speech she highlighted the works council election held and introduced the newly elected works council committees.


news 2019 betriebsversammlung max boeglPhoto: Max Bögl Group


Location loyalty as a great strength

Great praise came right at the beginning from the top-class guest speaker, Bavaria's Prime Minister Dr. Markus Söder: "Max Bögl is one of the best companies we have in Bavaria". Söder described the Max Bögl Group as an innovative, great and strong company, which is not least due to the quality, the outstanding performance of the employees and the good business strategy. In his speech, the Minister President also referred to the continuity of the choice of location of family businesses: "A family business has one strength and one weakness at the same time: namely the family. If the family gets along well, that is an incredible strength - as it is the case here," said Bavaria's father. That makes Max Bögl such a big player. In particular, the company's broad positioning not only in modern construction, but also in the fields of technology, innovation and engineering is the guarantee for Max Bögl's success.

Trust and esteem at the top

A new company collective agreement, innovative works agreements and social commitment: these were just some of the successes presented by Karin Hammerl-Ranftl, Chairwoman of the General Works Council, at the meeting. But trust, fairness and mutual esteem are paramount. They are the most important pillars in the company on which every form of cooperation rests - whether within the team or between the Board of Management and the Works Council. Appreciation is associated with respect, benevolence and recognition and is expressed in affection, interest, attention and friendliness. In particular, fair dealings with one another should be continued in the new year. "I have no doubt that we will succeed - let's do it!".

Quality more important than quantity

Shareholder and Supervisory Board member Max Bögl held the current boom in construction and the associated good order situation responsible for the large selection of promising projects. At the same time, he warned of the high workload, which has been rising steadily since last year: "It is therefore important for us not to impose too much on ourselves. Quality is now more important than quantity". In addition to the operational tasks, we also have to cope with the changes caused by the increasing industrialization in construction: "There are more and more digital applications, new processes and tools that have to be learned. These changes not only affect us, but the entire construction industry. However, we want to consciously expand our pioneering role as an innovative company," Max Bögl emphasized. A crucial role comes here to the coworkers, to whom he expressed its special thanks for their commitment and their work commitment.

peak value incoming orders

CEO Stefan Bögl could look back on a successful year 2018. With 6462 employees in 5 business areas - building construction, infrastructure, wind, production and industry - the company generated annual sales of around 1.7 billion euros. With order intake of € 2070 million in 2018, a record value in the company's history was achieved. Full order books guarantee year-round capacity utilization. Max Bögl consistently focuses on its core business of construction. To this end, 244 new jobs were created in the group in 2018.

A cooperation agreement for the Bögl Transport System was signed with a Chinese company. For Max Bögl, this opens up the world's largest market for rail-guided local transport systems. Stefan Bögl presents the new design of the 3-section maglev vehicle, which will be delivered to China at the end of 2019. Due to the age structure of industrial employees, the company group will also launch a training offensive to increase the number of trainees from 327 to up to 500 in the next four years. A decision was made to build a training centre in the Deining industrial park. On behalf of the entire family and the Executive Board, Stefan Bögl expressed his sincere thanks to all employees for their performance and extraordinary commitment.

Innovative answers to megatrends

This year, the family-run company is 90 years old. Johann Bögl is also proud of the company, because in 1929 grandfather Max Bögl laid the foundation stone for a construction company that is now successfully being run by the third generation. "Every path begins with the first step", quoted Johann Bögl Konfuzius. We must continue to pursue this path consistently and thus carry on our family heritage. "Our grandfather would certainly be proud if he could see the innovative answers our group has today to megatrends such as mobility, climate change and energy turnaround," said Johann Bögl. Since 2017, Max Bögl has been concentrating on projects that also correspond to our company. Projects that are increasingly taking place in our home country, Bavaria or Germany. "We have the most beautiful, serious and economically stable country on our doorstep.

A blessing for the Neumarkt region

District Administrator Willibald Gailler, Lord Mayor Thomas Thumann and Sengenthal Mayor Werner Brandenburger also confirmed the high status of the company, especially in the region. DGB regional chairman Christian Dietl stressed in its greeting word in particular the meaning of the work of the work council: "Many enterprises in Bavaria have no work council at all."

Active youth and trainee representation

Also Luis Heerdegen, chairman of the youth and apprentice representation, praised the fair contact in the enterprise and in particular the support and the support on the part of the management and the work council. After the presentation of the numerous projects and activities of the JAV it pointed out expressly again that much would not be possible without the good support as well as the close co-operation with all involved ones.





Für eine verbesserte Umwelt

Das vielseitige Spektrum der Aufgabenstellungen und -lösungen erfordert fundiertes Wissen und eine kontinuierliche Weiterbildung des Führungs- wie auch Fachpersonals. Neben dieser permanenten Aus- und Weiterbildung dokumentieren die verliehenen Güteschutzzeichen für den Kanalbau, den Gas- und Wasserleitungsbau, den Kabelleitungstiefbau sowie die Vortriebsarbeiten eine sorgsame Qualitätsüberwachung im Sinne unserer Auftraggeber. Die Firmengruppe Max Bögl bietet aufgrund ihres breit gefächerten Profils Bauherren Lösungen aus einer Hand. Hierbei stehen ein schlagkräftiger Geräte- und Fuhrpark, eigene Sandgruben und Steinbrüche sowie Beton- und Asphaltmischanlagen zur Verfügung, um auch bei schwierigsten Problemstellungen technische Lösungen zu finden. Mit der professionellen Abdeckung des gesamten Werkstoffspektrums an Freispiegel- und Druckleitungen stellt sich Max Bögl den hohen Qualitätsansprüchen der Auftraggeber. Als zertifizierter Entsorgungsfachbetrieb erfüllen wir zudem alle Anforderungen für den fachgerechten Umgang mit Altlasten. Im neuen Geschäftsfeld Energietrassen ist Max Bögl für den Neubau der Gleichstromautobahnen vom Norden in den Süden sowie den Umbau der Starkstromverteilernetze durch erfolgreiche Zertifizierungen wie des Safety Culture Ladder und der DVGW-Zertifizierung "GW302" für HDD Bohrungen qualitativ sehr gut aufgestellt. Max Bögl ist bei den Übertragungsnetzbetreibern für die Erdverkabelung, die geschlossenen Bauverfahren  sowie für den Bau von Umspannwerken präqualifiziert.

Für eine verbesserte Umwelt

Leistungsspektrum Ver- und Entsorgung

  • Rohrleitungsbau
  • Fernwärme
  • Kanalbau
  • Gas- und Wasserleitungsbau
  • Energietrassen (Gleichstrom bis 525 kV / Wechselstrom bis 380 kV)
  • Lärmschutzwand
Leistungsspektrum Ver- und Entsorgung


Unter Rohrsanierung versteht man die Sanierung von in der Erde verlegten Ver- und Entsorgungsleitungen. Mit neuen Verfahrenstechniken kann die Funktionstüchtigkeit der Rohre wiederhergestellt und deren Lebensdauer verlängert werden. Diese Techniken unterscheiden sich vom konventionellen Rohrleitungstiefbau vor allem darin, dass Straßen und Wege nicht der Länge nach aufgegraben werden müssen. Man spricht deshalb auch von einer grabenlosen Rohrsanierung. Weiterer Vorteil dieser Vorgehensweise: kürzere Bauzeiten und somit geringere Kosten und Umweltbelastungen.

Mit der grabenlosen Kanalsanierung gibt es heute eine innovative und kostengünstige Alternative zur konventionellen offenen Bauweise. Neben Schlauch- und Kurzlinern sowie ferngesteuerten Robotersystemen setzen die Sanierungsspezialisten von Max Bögl auf eine weitere Liner-Technik: die Schadensbehebung defekter Trinkwasser- und Abwasserleitungen mittels Close-fit-Verfahren.


Leistungsspektrum Rohrsanierung

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