New Lifting for Tunnel Oberstaufen


Bigger, faster, safer.

Severe weathering, water ingress and frost damage in winter: After more than 160 years of operation, southern Bavaria's only railway tube, the Oberstaufen Tunnel, had to be completely renewed. In the 1980s, rehabilitation with shotcrete was to stop the impending decay. But the ravages of time continued to gnaw on the building. Now the tunnel builders of the Max Bögl Group gave the ailing patient a modern fresh cell cure.

New Lifting for Tunnel Oberstaufen


Built on behalf of King Ludwig II in 1853, it is still the only tunnel on the Munich-Lindau double-track railway line. However, due to water penetration and severe frost, icicles were repeatedly formed on the inner walls and on the tracks during the winter months, hindering rail traffic. In addition, the cross-section of the once 123 metre long tube was so narrow that trains could only travel slowly on the two closely adjacent tracks - at the end of the day at a maximum speed of 30 km/h. The railways were not able to travel at all.

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Massive conversion for more comfort

To ensure that double-decker trains and trains with tilting technology will also be able to pass through safely in future, Deutsche Bahn decided in 2016 to carry out a fundamental conversion and comprehensive renovation of the tunnel. The cross-section was increased to 70 square metres, a new reinforced concrete inner shell was installed and retaining walls were installed at the portals, which extend the existing tunnel at both ends by 16 and 20 metres respectively. In connection with the tunnel project, Deutsche Bahn also had 9.5 kilometres of track between Immenstadt and Oberstaufen renewed, a new bridge and several culverts built, four points installed in Oberstaufen station and the signalling technology adapted.

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Blasting through the mountain

The construction work began in April 2016, when Max Bögl's tunnel construction specialists used 3.5 tonnes of explosives to extend the tunnel by around 1.50 metres around its circumference, so that the distance between the tracks could be increased from 3.50 to 4.00 metres. In the course of the blasting operation, over 15,000 tonnes of rock had to be excavated and removed. Then the new pipe was lined with a waterproof reinforced concrete inner shell with a vaulted base. In addition to the widening, Deutsche Bahn had the railway tunnel extended to a total length of around 160 metres. This tunnel extension in conjunction with new retaining walls now provides sufficient protection against rockfall instead of the old tunnel portals. The line was opened to rail traffic at the end of 2016. Since then, the trains have been travelling through the new tunnel at a speed of 80 km/h. The new tunnel has been opened for traffic at the end of 2016.

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Modulares System

Bereits während der Objektplanung kann die Firmengruppe Max Bögl mit der Hybriden Bahnbrücke Bögl Teil der Lösung sein. Konzipiert für ein- und zweigleisige Bahnbrücken mit Spannweiten bis zu 15 Metern und niedriger Bauhöhe, vereint die hybride Bauweise der Bahnbrücke die klassischen Vorteile der Baustoffe Stahl und Beton. Durch die industrielle Fertigung im Werk lassen sich die einzelnen Systembauteile kontinuierlich vorfertigen, in einem Bauhof bevorraten und vor Ort durch ihre Kombination zu unterschiedlichen Individualbauwerken in kürzester Bauzeit zusammenfügen.

Modulares System


  • Segmentiertes System: Transport auf Straße oder Schiene
  • Industrielle Vorfertigung: hohe Qualität und Genauigkeit der Bauteile
  • Standardisierte Baugruppen, Produktion und Bauweise: kontrollierter Produktionsprozess, kurze Bauzeit, Anlieferung und Montage just in time
  • Einhaltung des Regeloberbaus der Gleise: einfache Wartung und Instandhaltung
  • BIM-basierter Prozess: effiziente Ausnutzung der digitalen Wertschöpfungskette während des gesamten Bauwerkslebenszyklus
  • Produktion und Montage auch durch Lizenzpartner







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